Sunday, April 29, 2007

A singing princess

Here is a photo of one beautiful princess, singing like an angel at her Key Kids performance yesterday. They are looking pretty patriotic, aren't they? She had fun yesterday, but she didn't really enjoy this group and won't be signing up in the fall. Sometimes, it's hard to be a princess! She's giving serious consideration to reviving her soccer career this fall. We'll see what she decides. Meanwhile, I'm on a hunt for golf lessons for both her and the prince--and new golf clubs for the prince as well, as the princess will probably fit his old ones!

Another beautiful day in the kingdom, so I'm off to wash the royal chariot. You'd think there'd be a peasant or two around to do that, but alas...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Honor Roll Breakfast

Well, here we are, amid the glare of the school gymnasium, proud parents of a 3-quarter, 6th grade honor student. The 6th grade teachers put on breakfast for the kids and parents. Every one dressed up (first time I've seen the PE teacher in a shirt/tie), they piped in classical music to the gym, and they served up some delicious Costco muffins and fruit. It was nice to see kids recognized for something positive, especially since there have been more than 1/2 dozen bomb threats at local Jr. high and high schools here since the college shootings last week. Oh, and most of those threats were at Heights schools! They have arrested a couple of kids. They are still looking for a couple of more. They will be expelled and face criminal charges!
Okay, now I'm taking a good look at that photo and trying to decide who it the bigger hippie--the queen, or the prince! YIKES!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Prince Writes...

Hi, it's my first blog post, and well today in social studies we are working on our world maps, hand-drawn. Tomorrow I have a special breakfast for me being on the honor role for three quarters.

Cool Web Site

Check out this cool website. Mitch loves it--all guys will. It shows how they make things: jelly beans, chocolate, glass, denim...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bring on the Sunshine!

After much rain, sog, snow, clouds, looks like spring might finally be arriving in Billings this week. We're expecting a high near 70* today, about 65* tomorrow, up to 70* on Friday and then into the 80*s for the weekend!! Break out the sunscreen and shave your legs!!

Here's the beauty of the blog, though our firewall blocks hotmail at school, I can access my blog from school so can play with it when I'm bored--which is what I am now that we're testing, testing, and more testing in my lab!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pumpin' Iron

I signed up for a weight lifting class today. Actually, it was just a quick teaching and then we're on our own--a bunch a women I work with. I must say that I will ABSOLUTELY be waking up this evening, at some point, with one hellacious charlie horse! I just know it! I can definitely FEEL THE BURN!

The Princess Sings like an Angel!

The princess will be singing the Walkin' On Sunshine Solo in her music group this weekend. Photos and a complete review will soon follow! And least we forget, she's also got a big gymnastics performance at the end of that same song that she also had to audition for! She's a movin' and a shakin' and a groovin' and hoppin'!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Prince pulls TWO teeth!

Yesterday the prince pulled not one, but TWO teeth. He said he could have pulled 2 more but, judging by the blood produced by the second tooth he pulled, I don't think he needed to pull any more! The tooth fairy better start saving her money!!

Welcome to our blog!

I have been debating about whether I'd like to try a family web site or a blog. I know very little about either. I made a web site for my computer lab at school and decided that we'd start with a family blog and, once I understand better how it works, decide if I'd like to continue with it or perhaps do a web site instead--or both! is suppose to make this very easy--AND FREE, so we'll see how it goes! Welcome!