Monday, May 26, 2008

Dave Berry says:

I received a recent email that quotes Dave Berry. I did not check its authenticity, but found these life lessons funny enough for the blog.

There is a very fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness.'

You should not confuse your career with your life.

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

Never lick a steak knife.

A person who is nice to you but rude to a waiter is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Here's Your Sign

We were driving by a bar today, and the sign out front said:


Cracked the king up!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cow Eye

The prince had to dissect a frog (get it, kiss a frog, get a prince?--but really he did) and a cow eye. Here's a picture of a dissected cow eye. GROSS!! This is the grossest blog entry to date!

At least I chose the photo size to be small instead of LARGE, like I usually do!! :)

New Dance Photos

There was no flash photography allowed at the princess' dance recital so I didn't take any pictures, but Mary Beth and Brian have a cool camera, so got some good shots that she shared with me. Could these dresses be any prettier? For those of you who know Mary Beth, her daughter, Christian, is in the green dress to the princess' right on the second photo.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy Campers

WAHOO!! Go David, Go David!!! We are smiling (okay, and hootin' and hollerin') at our house tonight!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Feel Good Story

This is a true story:

In Division 2 softball in the Great Northwest Athletic Conference neither Western Oregon nor Central Washington had ever reached the NCAA tournament at the division 2 level but here they were, the stars at their fingertips, when Sarah Tukolski (sp) went to bat. Now Sarah had never hit a homerun before, but she did that day. She set off on her ceremonial yet requisite rounding of the bases, but just past first base a stutter-step blew out her knee so she couldn’t walk, and according to the rules, her teammates could not assist her. However, in what has since been called the ultimate act of sportsmanship, Sarah’s opponents, the other team, lifted her in their arms and gently carried her around the bases letting her touch each one, and it was by that one run, Sarah’s home run, that her team won. Now that’s the ultimate act of sportsmanship.

Reported on Paul Harvey, Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Trampoline Issue

We don't have a trampoline, but if we did, I have no doubt this might happen in our back yard. My mom sent this with reference to Wyoming, but it really could be my back yard! Thanks for the laugh, Mom.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A lovely view...

Is it Lonestar who sings, "From My Front Porch Looking In"? This is the view, and will be all summer, from my front porch looking out! Just think of all the jokes and puns...not the least of which is something about our neighborhood going down the toilet!! Happy summer!


Sebastian lives next door to me, is pushing 4-years-old, and makes his little sister cry A LOT! But he amuses me. He and his dad stopped by yesterday, and I said, "Hello, Sebastian." He looked at me but didn't say anything. His dad said, "Can you say 'Hi' back?" So Sebastian smiled and said....

"Hi Back."

Royal Princely Festivities

The Prince had a birthday bash at an amusement park--complete with a decadent, triple chocolate cake. My sister (who hates chocolate cake) says I've brainwashed my kids, but I'll have her know, the prince chose this cake on his own! And it was delicious!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008


This year Spring was on a Thursday. You know how it is up here in these parts. After weeks of an occasional nice day sandwiched in between lots of 40*s and 50*s, we hit a comfortable 74* yesterday. Today we're in the 80*s and should stay that way through most of next week. So...this year, Spring Was On A Thursday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So funny!!!

My niece just turned 5, and she's very dramatic. I sent her a birthday card and signed it "Your most beautiful aunt..." She was sending thank you cards to me and my mom, and well...I'll let my sister tell you the rest:

Yes, she is a funny kid, kinda always has been but soooooooo dramatic!!!
You should get your thank you card tomorrow, I would think. We mailed it yesterday! Oh and you are in BIG trouble....On your card you wrote,"From your most beautiful aunt ever", so when she made you and mom a thank-you card she said your card was nicer because "Grama is the uglier one cause you are most beautiful. " See what you started now!

I love that kid!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dancing Queen

The princess' recital was tonight. No flash photography was allowed so I took this picture of her outside the theater before hand. Isn't she cute? And she dances divinely!! I love this dress!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


It had to happen, but I didn't want it to. I paid OVER $50 to fill up my gas tank today. Ouchie-wa-wa!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

American Idol

Any takers out there wanna bet Jason DOESN'T go home tomorrow???

Musical Melodies

I got to take in the prince's final choir concert of the year today. The melodies were melodious. Not only that, but I was THRILLED when they sang "You Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray (my FAVORITE movie!). Unfortunately they did not call me down to sing a solo, but there's always hope for next year! Rock on, Middle School!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Prince of Track

A few photos of the prince and his peeps at today's track meet.

Practicing for the long jump.
Me and my gang!
Long jumpin' it!
Running the 200 meter.
Yes, it was every bit as gorgeous outside as the photos make it look!

Friday, May 2, 2008


16 more days of school for me and the princess.

19 more days for the prince.