Tuesday, November 30, 2010

That's a lot of snow!

According to "official" sources, we got 4.5 inches of snow Sunday. I don't think they were measuring in my part of town. And I'm pretty sure I scarped about that much snow off my car when I left the movie Sunday night. I know, I know...they are measuring moisture content, not depth, but depth is what we have to drive in.
These photos are at Mary Beth's house. Her husband (Super Brian) dutifully shoveled all weekend. Love the pile of snow on the corner. Though it's not evident in this photo, that pile is about 5 feet high! Wowzer! That's a lot of snow!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Let's Try This Again

Here is a much better photo of the newly engaged couple! May 20th is the date! Wahoo!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow War

I rolled out of my garage yesterday to find that the neighborhood boys (we have lots of boys) had set up their sleds as forts across our driveway and were heavy into a snow war. They were having tons of fun, and the weather was GREAT! One of the moms stopped me to say, "I don't know why they chose your driveway." My reply, "We're cool like that!" It's snowing now. Just what we needed! :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010


It only took 3 tries to get one with everyones' eyes open.
It was too much to hope that they all be looking in the same direction.

Kathi claimed, "We'll kick their a$%es at Monopoly."
She meant the prince and princess.

As it turned out, the princess ended up with the most money!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Averting Trouble

I'm too tired to download the photos from yesterday, but I didn't want to be in trouble with my sister, who is waiting for a post, so...

Got up at 2:45 to be at the Target parking lot at 3:30 to carpool to Sears by 4:00. MB got the washer and dryer she wanted and we were at Walmart before 5:00 am to get "gifts" she needed. We were at the mall by 6:00, west end Target by 7:00, Starbucks in Target by 7:05. Back at the Heights Walmart by 8:15. Breakfast at 9:00, and home by 10:00. I walked in the door, and the king said, "You're home already?" :)

I got the Princess about handled. I've still got a long way to go with the Prince. Most years it's the other way around. But it'll all be a Merry Christmas, any way you spin it! Perhaps I'll get those photos posted tomorrow. For now my nap has worn off, and I'm headed to bed!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

To friends and family: we wish you a happy Thanksgiving spent with those you cherish. Eat some delicious turkey, and as the prince and princess will be saying repeatedly today, "Please pass the stuffing."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Everyone needs a friend,
even if the best you can do is stinky ol' uncle Rich!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Basket

I believe this move is called "The Basket". I'm not really sure why, except that they catch her in a "basket". This was filmed at cheer practice a couple of weeks ago. Watch it a couple of times--it's fast--to appreciate how high up she flies and the splits she does in the air!

Monday, November 22, 2010

2 Days!

Two days of school/work this week! We can do it! Wahoo!


After an excellent dance show, it's good to hit the local Wendy's for a reward lunch! And don't forget the Frosty--even though it's snowing and about 0*!

Now we'll make a funny face.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Holiday Food and Gift Dance

Yesterday the Princess had a winter dance show at a Food and Gift event. The roads were awful, but all was good once we finally found a parking spot and got inside. Her group danced to "Halo" again (the song that wouldn't die), and then did this awesome Christmas kickline with another group. It was great. I might try to post it, but I'm not sure Blogger can handle that long a stream--or that my computer can handle posting it, as it's longer than the 30 second videos I've posted in the past. If not, and you're my "friend" on Facebook, you can watch it there. I stole someone's video of it on Facebook! :) They do these same dances again in a couple of weeks at the Festival of the Trees, and then we're done with dance until the new year!

Can't spot her? She's third in on the left.
And you can't really tell, but they have
cool, sparkly bloomers under those dressed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Snow and Freezing Temps!

Twelve inches of snow so far with more coming tonight.
Our highs will maybe get up to 10* over the next few days.
Winter-weather advisory.
Horrible city roads!!!
Bring on winter.

Sisters! :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

How to build treacherous driving conditions:

1. Let the snow begin falling around 7:00.
2. It's still 40* so it's melting as it hits the pavement.
3. Continue to snow for the next few hours as temperatures drop.
4. This will coat the streets with a nice layer of ice and then snow.
5. It'll look pretty in the yard.
6. Make sure the temperatures drop enough so that, at 7:00 when your son is standing at the bus stop, it feels like MINUS 1* with the windchill.
7. Slip and slide your way to work.
8. Be grateful for antilock brakes and be even more grateful for a smart car that tells you (in case the back end of your car swinging around like salsa dancer didn't already clue you in) to turn on the antilock brake feature.
9. Get to school safely.
10. Realize you forgot your coffee at home, but bribe someone with 4-wheel-drive to make a coffee run.
11. Life is good.

Official TWIRP Photo

Taken at TWIRP, this should be the final post on this subject for 2010!
They are cute! And he looks mighty tall next to her. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fiddle Dee Dee

The prince came home from school one day with this bow. Some girl at school gave it to him.

"What are you going to do with it," I asked?

"I'm going to play my electric guitar," he replied,with that "DUH MOM" look on his face.

And so he did.

And now he thinks he sounds just like Jimmy Page, who did it first, and may have done it best!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Here's an even cuter photo of Liz.
We'll work on a good one of the groom! :)

Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married...

Prince William isn't the only one to have a royal engagement announcement this week! We are proud to announce the engagement of cousin Matt and Liz! Congratulations!!

Unfortunately, this is the only photo I have of them. Yikes! Hopefully I'll have a better one soon. And can you tell how excited the others in the party are??? :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Birds Of A Feather

Or should I say Two Frogs Of A Feather? This is the princess and Caitlyn...her Puff the Magic Dragon dance partner. Caitlyn bought them each this silly hat for the princess' birthday. I really have just one word: GOOFBALLS!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hanging Lights

Yesterday the King and the Prince hung the annual Christmas lights. We are quite festive (outside) now! I'm pretty sure that once the prince leaves, we'll no longer hang lights, or at least not the ones up on the roof, as neither the King nor I want to go up there. So thanks Prince Charming!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rough Trip!

As you can see from the photos, the prince was really working hard on his volleyball trip. He did say that he was a big hit among the small children from all towns, and he did have players/cheerleaders wanting to have their photo taken with him when he was in the Falcoe costume. Only one other school brought their mascot so he wasn't able to get a photo with that person as they were never on the court at the same time!

At a game.

Hot tub.

Bus buddy.

The Thinker.
(That's what he's calling this one,
and I had to include it
just so you knew he didn't always
have his arm around some girl.
Is it any wonder
he wanted to be a cheerleader?????)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Remember Our Dance Trip?

It wasn't that long ago, but it already seems like a distant memory with our busy lives. These photos seem to have been over-looked, but they were too cute to pass up--especially the last one!

Most of the group, after 2.5 exhausting days of dance.
Let's head home, ladies!

This is what our car looked like about 20 miles out of town!

Blurry, but this photo does capture the rarely spotted, exotic "Sleeping Princess".
We are lucky to have gotten the picture! :)

Chicken Update

The Lady Falcons lost out of the tournament yesterday to one of the cross-town rivals. They did win a game before losing the match, so it was a tight one, but it was not to be. Still the Prince is having a great time. They will be home later today. The princess' days of being an only-child are about to be over!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lynelle!

Nice Catch!
Hope your birthday is equally successful!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

Have you thanked a Vet today?

Go West, Young Chicken

The prince is off this morning to wow the western world with his Falcoe skills at the all-class, state volleyball tournament. Win, lose, or draw they will stay until Saturday. (I'm not really sure what the reasoning on that one is, especially if they are out of the tournament early Friday--they are ranked 7th or 8th our of 8 teams.) He's very excited. He's packed and ready to go. Several spare pair of shorts/t-shirts for when the Falcoe heat is too much to bare. Lots of candy and chips to keep him energized. An empty, 1 gallon, milk jug for rehydration. His swim trunks, for the hotel. And $20 from Mom and Dad for incidentals. He's ready.
I worry though. Does a falcon really stand a chance against a hawk, bear, or bronc (among others)? Time will tell. Stay out of the rain, little friend. We don't want you to molt! And put it over the net, Lady Falcons!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Middle Schoolers Crack Me Up

Perhaps I should have said "8th graders" because all three stories happened to involve 8th grade boys.

#1: Yesterday (when it was about 30*), as I was leaving, I saw a kid without a coat. I said, "Dude, where's your coat?"

"I'm Latino," he replied. "I'm always HOT."

#2: Today at lunch, a kid asked me, "What does 'kovated' mean?" He emphasized the VA syllable.
"WHAT?? Spell it."
"C O V A T E D."
"Coveted?" He didn't know what that meant either.

#3: Minutes ago I heard the blow dryer in the boy's bathroom (next to my room) go off for the fourth time in a row. I thought I should check out who was messing around. It was the Downs syndrome kid, warming up his back a little. He thought it was hilarious when I caught him! I did too, but I didn't let on. I'm telling you instead!

Gotta love those kids!

Concerto! (Say it like you're Italian!)

The princess had a concert Monday night. Don't ask her how it went as she's not happy with the choir performance, but we thought it was just great!

I tried to edit this (she insisted I not put it on the blog, but I cut her face out instead because she's not the boss of me). It's pretty dark. The point was here is my beautiful daughter, in her fancy party dress and her leather bomber jacket. I like to think of it as leather and lace!

A "close up". Can you spot her? Far right, second row up.

That's a big choir!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sort of...snow/rain mix, but it was enough to make me dig out my snow brush in case I need it this afternoon. Yuck.

Happy Birthday Mark!

Happy 16th Mark!
Have a great year!

Monday, November 8, 2010


There is a radio station in town that has decided that there is no such thing as "Monday". From now on, there is only "Funday".

So here's to Funday. And I hope it's a little quieter week than last week. Last week there were dentist and orthodontist appointments, talent show rehearsal and the actual show, 4 days of cheer practice plus a game to cheer at, and jury duty.

This week is looking better...only 3 nights of dance because there's a choir concert tonight. Three days of cheer before the big chicken heads to the volleyball tournament out of town, a day off in the middle of the week for the princess and queen...

You know what? Never mind. It's going to be another one of those weeks. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The Woman Is Required to Pay

Cute Megan wasn't sure how to do this.

So her cute mom stepped in!

Cute couple!
They danced the night away. At midnight the prince called to ask if he could go to breakfast. He got home around 2:15. I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all, but I don't really have any details yet because he's still sleeping! :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

So Close!

Last night Skyview (ranked 6) played the cross-town rival West (ranked 3) in the playoffs. I was not able to attend, but I was thrilled when the king texted me at half time to say Skyview had just sacked their quarterback twice and that the score was 7-6 with West in the lead. There was hope! At the end of the 3rd quarter he texted again to tell me the score was 13-7 with Skyview in the lead. I was soooooo excited. Alas, it was not to be. West pulled out the win with a final score of 14-13. But for a couple of hours, the dream was alive.
Falcoe does not seem to upset by the loss as he's off to Bozeman next weekend for the Girls' Volleyball tournament. Go falcons!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jury Duty

Note: Get a cup of coffee. This is going to be a long post.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, civic duty...cornerstone of our justice system...best in all the world...blah, blah, blah. Let me just be clear: I HATE JURY DUTY!!! Hate it, hate it, hate it. I have yet to have a "good" experience, or, at the very least, a "that wasn't so bad" experience, and yesterday was NO exception.

My court experience this time: Municipal court. Misdemeanors. Usually one day trials that aren't too exciting. I've been called by this court before, but always had the case settle the night before so that I didn't have to go.

Wednesday night I called the number, fully expecting the case to be settled, but alas, that was not so. I was not so lucky this time. And I was disappointed.

But I got to the courthouse early enough to get a parking spot...something that didn't happen the last time I was called, and then waited with other prospective jurors for the court to actually open. It was past 8:00, and I was already thinking..."Not a good sign." It wasn't.

Eventually we got going. They numbered us, started asking their questions, and somewhere in the process announced that it's really jury elimination, not selection. We'll start eliminating and then go through the first 6 (plus an alternate) who are left, and that will be our jury. Uh-oh. I was number 14. There was a good chance I would be left.

The basics of the case were that an elder lady, leaving a nail salon and pulling out onto a busy road, failed to see or stop as a bicycler on the sidewalk rode by. She clipped the front of the bicycle, throwing bike and rider out into the street. A car had to slam on its breaks to avoid the bike and was rear-ended by the car behind him. Meanwhile, elderly lady glared and possibly exchanged words at bike and then drove off. Ambulances were called to treat biker and driver of second car.

Eventually the lady was tracked down (there was a third car that got her license plate), denied hitting anyone (there were not scratches or dents on her vehicle), remembered seeing the bike "walk" by, and was charged with failure to remain at the scene of an accident and failure to report an accident.

After all this info and questioning, I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky to be the alternate juror. The judge said it's sort of like Miss America without the crown. Great! But it was a new experience. I've never been the alternate before.

I should back-track and say that I have, in the past, been known to be chosen to serve on juries the way that some people win lotteries. I can't win a lottery, but I've got a really good chance of getting called to serve, and probably even being chosen for the jury. I'm just "lucky" that way.

I should also back-track and say that I was having the best hair day in months! I knew when I left the house that they would probably choose me because my hair was lookin' so darn great. I also think that's why I was made the alternate. The lawyers knew that with hair like mine, it would totally distract the other jurors from the facts. What a waste of a good-hair day.

There turned out to be a lot more "behind the scenes" wrangling than is usually the case. We were sent out of the court room several times for longer than anticipated while they worked out technicalities. This put everything behind schedule. They ended up even ordering in lunch for us (which was the highlight of the day for me--besides my awesome hair) so they could try to make up time. It didn't work.

The prosecution called 3 witnesses. The guy who's car was rear-ended. The girl in the third car who wrote the licence plate number down. And the lady on the bike, who ended up having more serious injuries than first suspected. (By the way, she was wearing a bright yellow biker shirt with reflectors on it, and a bright pink helmet. It's illegal to ride on a sidewalk in a business district here, but the police officer said it didn't affect the charges against the other lady, and the biker was not ticketed for that.) The police lady who investigated the scene.

The defense only called one person. The elderly lady, and even that was after some wrangling about "if she doesn't testify it doesn't mean she's guilty" and scoldings of that sort from the judge directed toward us. Hello???? Have we watched a little too much LA Law?

Finally, about 4:00, the case went to the jury. I was thinking, "SLAM DUNK." Guilty. Let's go home. But I was not really a part of the process now. As an alternate I did not get to go in the jury room. I had to sit--IN THE HALL. And wait. And sit. And wait. And sit. And wait. Seriously.

At about 6:00 I was told to come back into the court room. It seemed the jury had reached an impasse. They were stuck at a vote of 4-2, but I do not know in which direction they were stuck.

The judge spanked them a little, told them it was their duty, blah, blah, blah...and sent them back in to continue working it out.

At 7:00 they came back out and said they might be able to get the job done if they could just see a copy of the transcript. She said, "No...that's what your notes are for." Personally, this is the second trial I've sat on where they said no to that request, and I don't get it. At the first trail we weren't even allowed to take notes (it was the 1980's), but at this one they did provide a note pad. My thinking is, if it helps have a "fair trail" then shouldn't the transcript be available??? If I were the defendant and the transcript my save me, I'd want it made available.

She gave them three options:
1) Go back and finish.
2) Come back in the morning and finish.
3) She would order in dinner if they thought they wanted to stay into the night. (Hello! We were already into the night.)

They opted for choice #1. Forty minutes later they returned a verdict of Guilty on both counts (which was the way I was leaning after hearing all the evidence). Sentencing was postponed until December. The biker broke down crying. I'm thinking she was waiting to see how this trail went before deciding to sue for damages, but that's just my guess.

I got home at 8:00, and made $25 for the day. Vegas, baby!

Really, I know that, thought he system is flawed, it's a good system, but I HATE JURY DUTY!!!!

The good news is that on Monday I can call the court and ask to be excused for the rest of my term since I have now served. You can bet I'll be making that call! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Sweet 16, Mariah!

I hope the coming year brings you everything you've ever dreamed of and MORE!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Halloween did not shine quite as brightly as it has in years past for the king. Last year the weather was great, and he had finally trained the children to make the most of all his trick-or-treating skills. They knew to avoid dark houses (chances of loot are slim), try to find neighborhoods where the houses are a little closer together, use a pillowcase so you don't have to come back so often, don't put your coat in the bag as it looks like you have more than you really do...He's a trick-or-treating expert.

Alas, this year, his children have about out-grown trick-or-treating. The prince didn't go at all (he's a sophomore after all!) But the princess did go with friends, and they did try to put his tricks, tips, and words of advice to work.

But before that could happen, there were pumpkins to carve. Oh, the sadness. Oh, the shock. Oh, the shame. Look who had to carve the pumpkins (donated from our neighbor's garden--no tornado could hold them down!) all by himself. Sniff, sniff. I'm not even sure we'll worry about pumpkins next year. The kids didn't. They were too busy living their more exciting lives! Please join me in a moment of silence for the king's lost dream.

He patterned them off a Halloween card one of the kids got, and they sure did turn out cute!

Cute! At 9:15 I texted the girls to head home. The princess quickly called back to ask us to come get them, as they were quite a distance from the house, and they were tired. When we came upon them, they weren't even trying to walk home. They were sitting on the wet sidewalk (it had been raining) waiting for us! If you're too tired to hoist your bag-o-loot (some people gave out cans of soda, not to mention all the candy they got), then it must be time to go home!

And here's a close up of her cute Ring Master costume taken the night before on her way to the school dance.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The prince is famous. Just ask him! :) He and some other stunt team members were featured in the paper yesterday. I hope these links work. One is the article, and one is the video, both featured in The Gazette yesterday. Excuse me sir, may I have your autograph?



Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Beautiful Birthday Girl!

Stop getting older!
Have a wonderful year.
We love you!

Happy Birthday Isaiah!

Happy 5th birthday, Buddy.