Saturday, May 19, 2007

Women of Faith

I, the queen, spent last night and most of today at the Women of Faith conference here in town. If you aren't familiar, it's 7500 women listening to women speakers, singers, dramatists, and comics empower women. This year's theme was Freedom, and yes, there was some mention of God here and there (you know, turn your burdens over to God and you will be finally free) but also a lot of feel-good inspiration. The main speakers were the same as when I went 2 years ago, and they are very good. Sandi Patty performed Friday night, and it was truly worth the price of admission just to hear her sing for 40 minutes.

Now, like I said, there was a lot going on, and my personal favorite, and new favorite female comedian as well, was Anita Renfroe. She was soooooooooooo funny. And here is the main message I took away from the conference, compliments of Miss Anita.

Do you know the reason single women are thinner than married women?
A single woman sees what's in the frig and goes to bed.
A married woman sees what's in bed and goes to the frig!
I love that one!

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