Friday, December 7, 2007

Royal Treatment

The king is currently in "sunny" Florida--well, maybe not so sunny. When he arrived he called to say it was only 60* there. At the time, it was 58* here. I said, "So you flew 2000 miles for 2 degrees!" It's warmer there now and much colder here so I guess he's the winner, anyway!
Speaking of winning--his Boise service center was named "Service Center of the Year"!!! He knew he was in the running for it, but didn't find out until Wednesday night when they handed out awards!! YIPPEE for him. One of his employees in Billings was one of the top Employees of the Year too! It's very nice for him to get some recognition for all his hard work.
They worked at a YMCA Camp Service Project yesterday. He said he's never seen cockroaches that big except for in display cases!! Meetings this morning and a tour of the area this afternoon. More meetings Saturday, and he flys home Sunday. He's got to be up at 3 AM FL time to catch his flight. He'll be sleeping in his chair by 5 PM our time!!

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