Friday, January 25, 2008

Not my hotel!

It's true, I'm flying to Vegas in a couple of hours, but thankfully, this is not the hotel we're staying at. I'm glad there are no injuries!!

Adios, Amigos!

I've left the king with a long list of to-dos for the children while I'm gone. I don't really care what happens--whether they get followed or not, but it was my motherly duty to write it all down. I am not responsible for what does or does not happen in my absence, and I just really don't care because I'll be in Vegas 14 hours from now, and I'll be on a cruise 72 hours from now! Hastaluego mi padres!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You know you're having a bad day when...

You wake up repeatedly during the night because of the howling wind only to oversleep by 10 minutes in the morning.

You turn on the water to your shower and there's no water. It's minus 32* with the windchill, and your water pipes have frozen. By the time your husband has unthawed them, you don't have time to shower before work. Much to the children's dismay, they do have time to brush their teeth. Thankfully, the pipes did not burst so all is fixable quite easily.

You leave, manage to PLOW your van through the large snow drift blocking your street, and with this new confidence in your driving skills, even managed to pull into the snow drifted driveway of the extra kids you pick up. You skillfully make it out of the driveway and manage to plow through two more drifts in your minivan before making it onto better plowed roads. Now you are feeling downright cocky about your driving skills.

You manage to go slowly with the flow of traffic, very slowly, but still arrive to work 5 minutes early. Things are looking up. That is, until you open the door to your lab. No heat. It's about 40* in there. It's a good 2 hours of blasting the heat (once it comes on) before the room in tolerable. Could this day get any worse? You really shouldn't ask yourself that because you'll just jinx it!

Sure enough, you make it through the day. You stink a little because you haven't showered. You're tired. But you're still feeling optimistic as you head home. You manage to drop off the extra children and turn onto your street. There's that big snowdrift again--between your house and you. But you made it this morning. Granted, it does look bigger this afternoon, but it was dark when you left for work, and besides, you've proven yourself a highly skilled driver today.

What you haven't taken into consideration is that fact that the snow has been drifting all day and what was a nice powder this morning when you were plowing through, is now crusted over and the kind that you can walk on!!! So your van gets stuck. Two hundred feet from your house!! The wind is still blowing, making the windchill below zero. You and your kids start digging the van out while you wait for your husband to come help. He comes, along with the neighbor (who, you find out, got stuck in the morning in the same drift and had to have another neighbor help dig him out, which makes you feel slightly better), and they help dig. Soon, the van is out of the drift--the drift you have now named THE FRICKING SNOW DRIFT!!!

But wait, there's more. Your driveway is still drifted in by the garage doors so you have to spend more time digging that out too. Good thing all this wind is suppose to be blowing in a warm front that might melt some of this snow!

By the way, the drifts in the back yard are as high as the 6 foot fence! Glad they weren't that high out front! Count your blessings! Count your blessings! Count your blessings!

And you thought your Tuesday stunk!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


It's freezing cold here, snow, and more snow on the way.
How is it where you are?????

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Coming...

The trip of a lifetime is coming...

Sharmi will leave the boundaries of Billings, her family, and her work and set sail for the Mexican Riviera. No kids, no husband, no work, no responsibility. What could be better than that? I can't think of a thing.

Only 10 more days left!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Kids make me laugh

Yesterday, driving to work, we were talking about the upcoming national election.  The 6th grader I shuttle said, "I'd vote for anyone who's not in favor of school uniforms and can make sure bad guys from Iraq don't invade our company."  I thought, "Yep, me too!"

Sunday, January 6, 2008

UFO siting

I saw a UFO this morning--not aliens--just a UFO--Unidentified, flying object.
I got up about 7 this morning and was sitting in the livingroom. I noticed a light out my diningroom window and at first I thought it was my canned light, reflecting off the glass. But the more I looked, the more I decided it wasn't a reflection. After a couple of minutes, if rose up and over my house. Mind you, it was way up in the sky, and I live on the flight path for a lot of small aircraft, but this thing headed AWAY from the airport, and the light it was giving off was too bright to be a normal aircraft.
Just thought I'd let you know...we might not be alone!