Sunday, January 6, 2008

UFO siting

I saw a UFO this morning--not aliens--just a UFO--Unidentified, flying object.
I got up about 7 this morning and was sitting in the livingroom. I noticed a light out my diningroom window and at first I thought it was my canned light, reflecting off the glass. But the more I looked, the more I decided it wasn't a reflection. After a couple of minutes, if rose up and over my house. Mind you, it was way up in the sky, and I live on the flight path for a lot of small aircraft, but this thing headed AWAY from the airport, and the light it was giving off was too bright to be a normal aircraft.
Just thought I'd let you know...we might not be alone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad you weren't able to record that thing. From anyone else, I'd say "wacko", however from you, I must believe : )