Monday, March 24, 2008

Sleep, I want sleep...

So it's around 2:00 AM. The prince just threw up for the second time tonight and the princess threw up for the first time.
I'll back up and say that neither of them was feeling well when they went to bed. By about 10:00, the prince threw up. By 11:00, the king had moved the princess to the floor in our room. By 11:30 the prince was also on the floor in our room.
At 1:30 the prince was moaning and groaning so I put him in my bed and decided to sleep on the couch. About that time the princess woke up to tell me she did didn't want to sleep anymore because her stomach hurt. I told her she could sleep in the tv room w/the tv on. Meanwhile I take Pepto to the prince and come back into the living room to hear the princess being sick in the bathroom. Clean that mess up, get her settled with the tv, and I hear the prince, in my bathroom, being sick.
Great! He didn't quite make it to the toilet this time so there is "stuff" all over the bathroom floor and toilet. The king, who has mostly been sleeping through all of this, says to me, "Are you going to put the rugs in the washing machine?" Mind you, he says this FROM THE BED THAT HE HASN'T GOTTEN OUT OF!
Sure. And I'll scrub the toilet and mop the floor while I'm at it. So I did. At this point, I'm not feeling all that tired and decide to go watch tv with the princess. But she assures me that, should I turn off the tv, she can go back to sleep now. Lucky her!
I don't know; the washer has turned off. Maybe I can go to sleep now too. On the couch. Away from all the sickies, but close enough to hear them when the next round begins.
By the way, we all ate the same dinner, and the king and I aren't sick. We went to brunch this morning. I can't think of anything they ate that one of us didn't also eat. Who knows. Maybe they're both just sick! It happens. The good news is that we have no school tomorrow so at least we can all nap!
I hope you're healthy! The queen of puke, signing off!


Mary Beth said...

I think you need some medicinal therapy at Dos!

Anonymous said...

AMEN, sistah!