Sunday, June 29, 2008

Loose Tooth

Umm... I don't know. I think, when you can push the tooth into a perpendicular angle from the gum, it's probably time for the tooth to come out! She SWORE it wasn't ready. But after a few more hours of playing with it, it finally came out.


Silly girl!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

S'more Fun

When the symphony got rained out the other night, we came home, got out of our wet clothes, put on our PJs and decided it was time to make s'mores. This is definitely not what the king intended when he bought the fire pit, but it's absolutely what the princess had in mind!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fish Watch--Day 4

Poor Azul is still hanging at the bottom of the tank. He's maybe only 1% better than he was a few days ago. He does respond a little when we flick the side of the tank. We put food in the tank every couple of days. He doesn't swim up to the top to eat but I figure eventually the food gets water-logged, sinks to the bottom, and maybe he eats a little. I wonder though, can a fish get a bed sore from being on the bottom of the tank? Poor Azul.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Golden Oldies

Hey Cool Cats! That's where it's at! Can you dig it? Groovy, Man!

Yep, I'm a child of the 70's. No denying it. Do you remember hula-hoops, Tang, Holly Hobbie dolls, GI Joe, and banana seats on your bikes? How about Starsky and Hutch and Little House On The Prarie? Those were my favorite shows.

Oh yeah, and what about Wolf Man Jack and the Saturday Night Special. I used to watch that on weekends while I babysat. It was on pretty late and I remember watching it and wishing the people would get home so I could go home and go to bed. I made $1/hour for babysitting, regardless of the number of kids I was watching, and with that money I would go right down to the record store and buy the latest, greatest 45 lps! You did too, you know you did. They cost about $1. I had well over 100 of them by the time I switched over to 8-tracks and then cassettes. You did too--maybe not 100 45s, but you made the switch!

I kept my 45s in two little carrying cases like the one above which you can buy for $15 on EBay. They made the move with me 13 times (I counted it up) in my youth and young grown-up life. I haven't had a record player in YEARS, but somehow I just couldn't part with them.

Last summer, when we made the most recent move, I plucked those records out of the garage--where they'd been for over 12 years--and wondered what to do with them, but moved them again. When Shelley came to visit, I passed them on to her because she still HAD a record player. Someone might as well get some use out of them, right? Plus, they were her memories too, and probably some of those 45s even belonged to her!

Imagine my surprise last week when she said she was mailing a "surprise" to me. I was scared because she'd recently taken a really ugly photo of me, and I thought she was framing it or something. But alas, I was wrong.

In the mail came 7 CD's jam-packed with all those songs from my 45s!!! For Father's Day, her husband got a record player/CD burner thing. She burned all those 45s for me!! How great is she????? I have been sliding down Memory Lane every since!

She burned 159 songs for me! She also said she had to listen to both sides sometimes to figure out which side was the hit, and she still wasn't sure she had it figured out. Amazingly, after all those years in the garage where temps get to -20* in the winter and over 100* in the summer, they weren't warped or damaged too much. What was really cool was that, when she would record them, she put them on the turntable, and then I can hear the scratching noise those records made before the song started. Remember?

"What did I listen to," you are now asking? Well, thanks for asking. First of all, in my town we listened to Major Dan Miller's radio show in the morning, on the way to school, to hear all the latest pop hits. And on the weekend I would lie on my bed and listen to Casey Casem's (sp) Top 40 Countdown. Ahhh, good times.

Some of the songs Shelley burned for me: (Get ready for the flashback!)

"Spiders and Snakes", "Sunshine On My Shoulder", "Couldn't Get It Right", "Rich Girl", "Blinded By The Light", "Dancing Queen", "Half Breed", "Cupid", "Heard It In A Love Song", "Feelings", "Never Been To Spain", "The Candy Man".


How about "Somewhere In The Night", "Have You Never Been Mellow", "She's Gone", "Weekend In New England", "Devil Woman", "Send In The Clowns", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "Evergreen", "Bad Blood", "Lost In Love", "Ebony Eyes", and Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da"

I know, you wish you had my musical taste!!! Looking at the complete list, I seem to have really liked Barry Manilow, ABBA, Hall and Oats, and Olivia Newton John A LOT!! But let's not overlook Donny and Marie, Neil Sedaka, Shaun Cassidy, and Glen Campbell.

If only I had a scanner, I'd scan a photo of myself and Shelley from those good ol' days. You'd be totally diggin' on Shelley's Farrah Fawcet hair and my Dorothy Hamil haircut.

So Peace, my brothers and sisters. Hang loose, and have a far out day! I'll be gettin' down to some of those golden oldies that I have now loaded onto my computer and am playing on my ITunes program while I write an incredibly LONG blog post. We've come a long way, baby!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Click on photo to enlarge.

A small herd was right by my back fence the other morning, but by the time I got the camera out and snapped the photo they had moved next door. There are babies now, too, though not in this photo. Mostly the babies aren't roaming too much yet. This is just part of the herd that roams the pasture behind us, the golf course, and all the way over to the high school and beyond. They definitely know that they were here first!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A funny!

Disney Desperate Housewives

Can you read this?
Belle says: My husband is such an animal.
Cinderella says: Mine still drives a pumpkin.
Snow White says: My husband leaves me at home with 7 little ones.
Arielle says: Mine wants me to wear fishnet stockings.
Sleeping Beauty says: I just pretend I'm asleep.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What's the right thing to do?

Hmmm...what's the right thing to do? Can you see Azul (the beta fish) at the bottom of this scary fish tank (I know I'd be scared if I were a fish and had to live in an outer space fish tank!!)? He's the black speck among the green rocks. He usually stays at the top of the water, but he's been down here for over a day now. He's always been skittish, but now he doesn't jump no matter how much we flick the side of the tank. Our diagnosis is he is dying. The princess has had him for about a year. He used to be blue (thus the name Azul) but now he's mostly blackish. Here's the real dilemma: do we flush him now and put him out of his misery, or do we wait until he actually dies? What if he was about to make a miraculous recovery right before we flushed him? What's the right thing to do? Poor Azul.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A few too many!

Not that I've ever had this experience (well at least not since I was in my early 20s!), but I thought it was kind of funny. As for you drinkers out there, you know who you are and know if the shoe fits!

1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon

1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionality
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Tran substantiate

1. No thanks, I'm married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Taco Bell ? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool!
9. Where is the nearest bathroom? I refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road.
10. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tumbleweed Take-down

After almost a year of living here, the King has finally figured out how to tame those pesky tumbleweeds!

STEP 1: Get a cool fire pit from Target for Father's Day.

STEP 2: Make sure your propane tank is full.

STEP 3: Gather up some tumbleweed.

STEP 4: Place said tumbleweed in fire pit.


The King is loving this new system!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Green Thumb

I inherited this African Violet a few years ago. It blooms occasionally but this is by far the most blooms at once that I've ever gotten. The photo really doesn't do it justice, as there are more blooms under the ones shown and on the other side. I do nothing special to take care of this plant other than water it once a week, make sure it's in a window, and give it some plant food once or twice a year. It's BE-U-TEE-FUL!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Dad's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the bestest, gosh-darn daddy
in the whole world-wide web!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day To P-Daddy Chuckie!!

Climbing Party

The prince and princess attended a climbing bday party yesterday. It was a TON O' FUN!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Monday the princess was asking, for the millionth time, why she can't have a dog. I finally said, "It's not that I don't want a dog. I'd love a cute little Trixie dog (the king's sister's dog), but a small dog would get out of our fence. Plus your dad doesn't want a dog, and that's just something we need to agree on." She said, "A big dog wouldn't get out of the fence (the back fence is split-rail)." "No dog," I said.

Maybe it was serendipity, but yesterday, the kids rode their bikes to a nearby park. They passed the golf course and saw a big yellow dog (lab maybe?) playing in a water trap. Of course, the dog followed them around! Then they came home and later saw the dog across the street. They had lunch and then headed over to the lake to play on the playground there, and who should they find on the way home, but the yellow dog. Hmmm....

The princess came in the house, got some paper, and came back a minute later. "We found that dog again. He's in the garage. He name is Cheddar. He's got tags and here are the numbers on the tags. What should we do?"

So I called the numbers--4 of them. First number, not in service. Second number, "No. We don't have a dog. Where do you live? Huh? Well I live about 20 miles from you. Not our dog." Third number, I left a message: "We have your dog, but I don't know how long he'll stay. Call us." Fourth number, no answer.

The kids took the dog to the back yard. Found a tennis ball. Got him a bowl of water. He really just wanted to come in the house and cool off, but I was having none of that. (He did seem like a very nice dog, though.) Then they played with him. Soon the princess comes in, "Can I spray him off? He's hot." "No. He'll drink the water if he's hot. He's tired of chasing you and that ball. Let him rest."

Five minutes later: "Can we feed him a cheese stick? (If the dog's name is Cheddar, he must like cheese.) "No. We don't know anything about this dog." "But he's hungry." "If he's still here at dinner time (I still wasn't sure he wouldn't go out the back fence, but so far he'd been happy to play) we'll go next door and ask for some food (they are vets and have 2 dogs), and then, if he's still here in the morning, we'll take him to the pound."

That's the exact moment when I broke my daughter's heart. I saw it on her face. It was pathetic! "We can't keep him. He's not ours, and his owners will come looking for him at the pound if they can't find him." "But you called them." "Yes, but we didn't have much luck with those numbers. They might be old numbers."

She went back outside. Not 5 minutes later the kids came tearing through the house. "Cheddar went through the back fence! He's chasing a rabbit (there's a pasture behind us). We're going to find him."

"Good luck," I whispered!

And that was the end of Cheddar. They spent a good 1/2 hour searching. But he was long-gone. Hmmm...turns out a big dog can get through the fence. Good to know. But it was kind of fun being dog owners for an hour!

Monday, June 9, 2008

My GREAT Find!

Okay, this is the BEST stuff!!! I had a film on my mirror that wouldn't come off with regular Windex or straight vinegar. Oddly enough, Windex with Vinegar did the trick. It's for multiple surfaces so I also used it on my stove top by the knobs and on the front of my black microwave! Worked like a CHARM!! I LOVE IT!

Vegas Shots

My Bro and the Mrs. were in Vegas overnight last week. Got upgraded to a penthouse room at Treasure Island for NO reason--just because they're awesome, I guess. Here are a few cool shots he sent to tempt me--and I'm sooooooooooooooo easily tempted!

Near Treasure Island

Beatles "Love" Promo at Mirage

Freemont Street

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008


This is the royal niece, looking all "pomp and circumstance" before her graduation. Notice the red cords--that means she was graduating with honors. We're all so proud of her!