Sunday, October 5, 2008

Growth Spurt

The princess has always been one of the smallest kids in her class, even though she's always also been one of the oldest. She's prided herself on being "little". Over the last couple of years she's started catching up with her classmates and is now in the middle of the pack. Lately, though, I've noticed that she seems taller than many of her friends so the other day we measured her. She's always run at least 2 inches shorter than the prince had been at the same age. NOT ANYMORE! She's measuring only 1/2 inch shorter than he was at age 11, and she's got another month to go. She has grown ALMOST 4 inches since she turned 10! That's a pretty big growth spurt! She'll probably be done growing in the next couple of years, but at least now she has hope that she might be taller than both of her grandmas someday!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I thought she was looking taller and her feet are HUGE now too.