Friday, April 15, 2011


The prince had a high throw in shot put last year of 35 feet. He's hit it a couple of times this year already. But two days ago, at practice, he hit 37'! He was pretty excited. And he hit it more than once so he thinks he'll be able to do that at a meet. His coach said that if he can hit 37' in a meet, he'll move the prince from JV to Varsity. The prince though would like to stay on JV this year. He says he'd rather be the JV guy throwing far at 37' than the Varsity guy only throwing 37'! We'll have to wait until his next meet on Tuesday to find out how he does!


J said...

Way to go, Mitch!!! I like the thinking.....finish the year at JV, move up to V next season.

Shelley said...

Go Mitchie! But is it wrong of me to hope he doesn't make Divisionals? Okay....I guess that WOULD be selfish and selfish is wrong.

Go Mitchie!!!!