Friday, May 4, 2007

Royal Kingdom Woes

We are in quite a royal conundrum! We are slated to head to UT for royal functions on May 24. Alas, first the king informed me that he has meetings in Sunny Californ-I-A on May 20-23. My thought was that he could just fly to Salt Lake to meet us. But NOPE, not going to work since one of his employees will be out on medical leave that week. The king will have to work Thursday and Friday in the shop. Hmm...Okay, guess we might have to go without him. I was okay with that--coming up with my plan B that included leaving Billings Wed. night and spending the night in Dillon to break up the trip.

TODAY an email came saying that the princess' final school concert date is finally set. When? But of course, Friday, May 25. I'm not even sure she knows about this yet. (This is the "special" choir she's in for good singers. She missed their Christmas concert because we were on our cruise!) I then went to plan C! I checked airfare thinking maybe we could get last minute CHEAP fare (I know, who was I kidding?) so that the kids and I could go to the concert (it's at 9:30 am) and then head to the airport for a quick jaunt to SLC. Alas, too expensive!!

Now I'm on Plan D, which is my original plan, minus the King. I guess the princess will be missing her final concert. I emailed her teacher to see if I could go watch one of her rehearsals. That will have to do!

The king's father celebrates 75 years this weekend. We're in charge of bringing the pizza to the festivities. Is Friday night too late to wrap his gift?? I think not. At least I have a gift!

Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you worked that out!!! I'd have been heartbroken if you weren't able to come. So sorry for Cara though!!! It seems so much like our life here with most of Becky's stuff. Of course, it might help if she gave us some notice and didn't tell us about everything at the LAST minute.