If you're reading this blog, then you probably know me well enough to know that I LOVE to read. Nothing made me happier, as a kid, than when the book order came in. And I thank my parents for always letting me order books. I returned the favor by always letting my kids order a book when the book order came home, and they too are readers!
I like to spend time in the summer reading. I read during the winter too, but I have more time in the summer. I belong to not one, but TWO book clubs, and it's a good month (during the winter) when I have time to read something besides the two book club books I am forever reading.
Add to that the book swap table at work, where you can pick up books and leave books that you're done with--like a library only no overdue fines, the real library where I can now put books on hold over the internet and not even have to go in until the call to tell me they are holding my book for me, and I hardly EVER have to buy a book from Amazon.com anymore.
I do not usually give in to chain letters, but at the beginning of the summer I was sent one where all I had to do was mail off one used book and then I would receive 36 books in return. I never expected to get all 36 and would have been happy with one, but so far, I've reaped 7 books from that silly chain letter.
Suffice it to say, I have plenty to read...and I've been reading all summer. What follows are just a few of my silly book photos! Anyone want to borrow one of my books?
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