Monday, June 14, 2010


The king makes fun of my sister, who has been dreaming of grandkids for at least a couple of years now--she's younger than us, but she has a couple of kids who are old enough to grant that wish. But what the king doesn't see is that he's already a grandpa-in-training. He dotes on the little neighbor kids in our area. He likes to buy them ice cream. When our kids outgrow their toys, he gives them to the neighborhood kids. And they eat it up! He never knows if it's truly appreciated by the kids (the parents all adore the king), but yesterday he got some feedback from Connor--or at least from Connor's parents.

Connor is 3, lives next door, and reminds us A LOT of the prince when he was 3--in looks and temperament. Last fall the king took a big box of balls over to Connor. Recently Connor stopped by with his dad to visit and the king gave him some ice cream. Yesterday they stopped by again--and even brought baby Emelia, though I wasn't home to enjoy her (I'm less about the kids and more about the babies myself, but I don't need any grandkids yet). They had recently returned from a trip to Utah for a family wedding. While at the wedding a grownup asked Connor where he lived. Connor didn't say, "In my house," which is what I was expecting. He didn't say our town or state. Nope, Connor's answer was, "I live next to Rich." The king is glowing!!! It's so cute.


Mary Beth said...

That is so cute! What's not to like? It sounds like it's ice cream heaven at your house.

Shelley said...

That is so sweet. I am TRYING not to be offended. I had no idea that the KING made fun of me!!! Maybe I'll have to rethink my trip!