Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Guess who?
Hint: She was rarely this witchy when I was growing up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Party #2

Early out at school, then home to hang for a little bit, off to see "You Again" at the theater--Betty White is the highlight of that movie, then a little shopping at Kohles--the great thing here is that you can try on all the pretty dresses for FREE and are not required to buy them (definitely the cheapest part of the night), stop at Cold Stone for some birthday ice cream, then back home for Wii fun, dancing, movies, and staying up most of the night. They were up about 9:00 for breakfast. Is anyone else tired? But I believe a good time was had by all!

I promised to not show their legs as a couple of them still had their jeans on and at least one of them was sure their hairy legs would show! :)
By the way, the most expensive part of the evening? Not the movie, not Cold Stone where I bought extra ice cream to take home to the men in the house, but the popcorn and pop at the movie!!! What a racket, as I KNOW how much popcorn and soda cost in the real world. I'm positive pop and popcorn is how the theater pays its overhead.

Friday, October 29, 2010

And so it begins...

And so begins the crazy that is late October, early November at our house. We had our "family" party for the princess last night. The prince was unable to attend as he was dressed in the chicken suit for a playoff game (we lost :( ). But we had lots of fun at home, celebrating with "the cake with the most frosting", which was the criteria when she was choosing said cake.


She has learned to hold her hair back to avoid catching fire. (It's been known to happen at our house!)

In order to get this...

You must first do this--not that it looks either of us is enjoying the required birthday hug!
Friends over for movie, Cold Stone, and sleep-over tonight. Movie for the prince and school dance for the princess tomorrow night. Trick-or-treating for the princess with friends Sunday. The real birthday Monday. TWIRP next Saturday. The princess' fall choir concert the next Monday...
Bring it on!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shoulda known better!

Never anger a woman who knows how to operate a backhoe!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pack the Place in Pink Video

If all goes according to my plan, when you click the link below, you'll get a nice video from the Gazette web site that features a certain blue-feathered bird at the end! :)

Pack The Place In Pink

By way of background, 4 years ago the girls' volleyball coach at our high school was diagnosed with breast cancer. She survived, and that year the girls wore pink socks and had a few more people in the stands than usual for the first event. As you can see, it has grown considerably. The place was "packed"! The mayor was there and had declared it "wear pink" day. News media, 100s of kids, cancer awareness groups, and both hospitals were in attendance. They played West High, and in the photos the pockets of black you see are West supporters. Their t-shirts (which were supposed to be pink but were made in black with pink writing accidentally) said "West Thinks Pink". Although we lost the match, the event was a huge success. The event will go state-wide next year as there were regional reps here last night to check out how it's done. Six weeks ago this same coach was diagnosed with breast cancer again. She caught it early, had surgery, and won't need radiation. It was an inspirational night. And of course, our favorite Falcoe was there to entertain the masses! Awesome!

The student section beginning to fill up.

This was still during the warm ups. That side was full by game time, and I'm sure our side was too.

The first game was over, and he was already sweaty. That's the mayor in the back with the pink shirt on and his face 1/2 cut out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hip Hop Day 3

This video is a little longer. It's actually three shorter parts that he taught them and then put all together. You'll see a small group of dancers to begin with, then girls in the back join in. Finally there's a pause as he changes the music while more girls join. If you turn it up, you'll probably recognize the Michael Jackson music. The instructor was chosen to perform as Michael, duplicating the Smooth Criminal dance (and two others) shortly after Michael passed away at the VMA awards, so much of the weekend was spent learning Michael's moves. What was impressive to me is that I remember these dances from the 80's which means that maybe Hip Hop has its roots in Michael Jackson. I don't know that for sure, but I'm thinking it's possible!

Monday, October 25, 2010

While the cat's away...

While the princess and I were out of town and the king was at work, the prince and a friend borrowed (yep, they did have permission) the falcon suits (the new one is so much cooler than the old one!), and headed to the top of the town to make a video on their longboards. (Yes, the same longboard he broke his arm riding, but he is a little more cautious now...or so he claims.) The video is too long for Blogger, and it's purpose was some longboard company contest, but here are some cool still photos. Dorks--must I end every post about him like that???

He did insist that he wear the cooler of the two costumes!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


After a long day of dance yesterday, we headed to pizza and a dance showcase. The princess did Halo with her peeps once last time--but then, everytime I think it's the last time I'll see them perform Halo, another opportunity presents itself. We'll see how that pans out. Other dance schools from across the state also showed off their dancers. It was GREAT! More dance this morning and then we head home! (Insert Snoopy Happy Dance here!)

The princess, Christian and Megan...our roommates!

Mary Beth and Christian

The Princess and Yours Truly

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dance Workshop--Day Two--Hip Hop

Dance Workshop--Day Two--Jazz

Hip Hop and Modern--Day 1

The princess is feeling sore this morning. Hip hop was quite a workout. There were also 2 modern classes, a jazz class, and a theater class that was really just more hip hop. Her favorite this fall is the hip hop, but it's also the class making her sore as the teacher does an intense core workout as a warm up. We're off to the same classes today with a little ballet thrown in for fun and a "show" tonight where each dance school will feature one dance. Woot Woot!

The first two photos are from hip hop III.

These are from modern "leaps, turns, and jumps" class. They are leaping!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Internet Thief!

I must confess that I am an internet thief. I don't steal access, but I do steal photos. The last 4 blog posts were all photos taken from other people's facebook accounts. And I feel no remorse. This photo was taken from a blog I stalk! Is her hair hilarious or what??? It makes me smile! We are off on a dance/road trip adventure later today. I hope to be a faithful blogger while on the road, but time (and internet access) will tell!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Cousins


Great shot! We're talking Christmas Card quality!

Oops! Snuck a sisty in there too! :)
And for the record, I'm thinking Becky looks more like her mother...not so much like me!
Hee hee!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homecoming 2010

My sister is "lucky" enough to have 2 kids in high school right now. Twice the fun for homecoming! And their homecoming is a little more formal than ours, as you can see by how nicely Mariah and Tyson were dressed!


Tyson and Friend

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm Ready For My Close-Up

The cheer team went down-town last week with a professional photographer for a photo shoot. These photos were taken with someone's cell phone as they were waiting their turn. The photographer wanted an "urban" look so they were in a nasty alley, and it's probably good they are all current on their tetanus shots. As you can see, the prince has recruited his friend, Lakota, to cheer with him--a little more testosterone was apparently needed on the stunt squad. Also, the prince likes this cheer shirt much less than his blue one. He's pretty sure the white makes him look fat! :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

School Should Be Harder!

I don't remember if the princess told me this happened in Health or Social Studies on Friday, but either way, they had way too much free time on their hands. When they got done with their assignment, the teacher let them socialize. It went something like this:

Hey, Bailey, let me French braid you bangs.

Hey! Princess! That's hurting a little!

Come on, Mason. Hannah and I will show you how it's done.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Commas Matter

Go eat Grandma.

Go eat, Grandma.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Here's another one

This happened yesterday too. I was helping a 7th grader with some vocabulary. He was having to write a sentence with certain words in it. He came to the word "wean". He asked what it meant so I said, "You know, like a puppy has to be weaned from it's mother's milk before it can go to a new home."

He thought for a minute and then said, "Can I write, 'My dad is being weaned off Zoloft.'?"


Laughing on the inside and a little bit of "too much information"!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes it's the little things that make me laugh out loud.

For example, yesterday my sister sent me a test. She decided to take her 4 year old to McDonald's to play while she tried to read the last 3 days' worth of newspapers. Alas, it was not meant to be. All those screaming kids gave her a huge headache!

Sorry sisty, but that made me laugh out loud!

Today during 7th period( the end of the day!!!) an 8th grader asked me if he could finish his lunch in class.


So I could hear him mumbling away. When I looked over at him, he was having a long conversation with his cheese stick. Upon further listen, it was clear he was impressed with the nutritional value of the cheese stick and then went on to apologize to the cheese stick for pulling him apart.

Seriously, I was laughing out loud.

But he topped it off when after he finished his soda, he got up to throw the can away, and as he walked to the garbage he said, "This is the saddest part about drinking a soda...finishing it."

I was trying NOT TO roll on the floor laughing because I don't want to encourage this late-afternoon feasting, but he was cracking me up today!!!

Finally, after school, I stopped by the office for a minute, and the secretary and I were laughing at all the kids who say that teachers "make" them do work. The princess was there and added that her English teacher is "making" her read a book she's not interested in. There was a boy standing there so I asked him, "What are they making you do?"

I fully expected him to answer, "Social Studies or Science," or something along those lines.

Nope! His answer, "Community service."

Oh my! I did have the presence of mind to laugh under my breath at that one.

So thanks for the laughs and keep 'em comin'!

Happy Birthday Marty!

Happy Birthday your royal Martiness! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Robin!

Hey Robin! Hope you had a great day. Sorry this is late. For some reason I was thinking you were the day before Marty (who's birthday is in a couple of days) instead of the day before Kathi! My apologies. Hope it was a great day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Autism--A Boy's View

At school we see many kids with Autism. It's diagnosis continues to grow. There is a spectrum of Autism, and some kids function quite well. I would venture to guess that one of my kids might have been (maybe still is) mildly, mildly autistic as a toddler. Or maybe that was just toddlerism at its finest. Autistic children are often very gifted and/or intelligent though breaking through their walls to discover their gifts is very often difficult.
At any rate, I just finished reading an article written by a mom whose son is autistic. He just started school. She believes that on the autism scale, he's probably moderately autistic. One night, as she was sitting in his room, he told her how his brain works. She happened to have her computer with her so typed up, verbatim, what he said. It's fascinating.

"I have a little doorknob on a little door that has 10,000 computers in it," he said. "There are even little doors that have more. I have this control panel with two levers. You pull the lever, and then I can think of something. So that's how my brain works.

"I count the ABC's and then I try to get the letters. So that's how I know the ABC's. And now I don't forget them anymore. I go ABC, DEFG, HIJK, LMNOP, QRS, TUV, WXY and Z. Now I know my ABC's, next time won't you germ with me."

He paused. I did not want him to stop. I wanted to know everything, because I think that knowing him will let me protect him. I am wrong, of course.

"Is that how you do math?" I asked, quietly. I was afraid to move his train of thought. "Do you do math with the levers?"

He shook his head no.

"This door called the Multiplication Center is almost as close as the library in my brain. It has one computer, and then I have four, and tomorrow I will have 16. And then I have these little flaps that you flip and you color them and see if you make some multiplication, the math, the worksheets."

He continued down the hallway of his mind.

"Down in my lab I think about germs. I think about Pull-Ups and I think about 'Star Wars,' Indiana Jones, Batman. Legos are in my lab.

"And guess what else? Next over there I got the attic. That attic is full of junk. There are beach balls and stuff everywhere, a lot of things in there. And I think people have played with them.

"I have a school place. This one is kind of like my classrooms, but mine is mixed up. It is upside down, kind of. I have the school Legos, they go right there, because I have this little shelf that we can put things, but we don't put things at the bottom."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Kathi!

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Now that's a cool date!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rainy Saturday

It's rained most of the day. It'll be good sleeping tonight. The kids have cleaned their rooms. One has gotten rid of more than the other. It's hard when you've inherited the pack-rat gene from your forefathers. I'm thinking it might be a RedBox night. Gotta love RedBox.

Friday, October 8, 2010


The king has informed me that for the first time that he can ever remember, he's had to spray weeds in our yard/rocks in October. Our weather has been that good that we have weeds again. Wow! Not that either of us is complaining. Some rain in September and GREAT temperatures for the last 2-3 weeks (70's and 80's during the day) have made conditions great for them to grow. Those conditions have also made for some of the nicest fall days I can ever remember. It cools off at night too. so we have the windows open instead of running the air conditioner. The leaves are changing and falling so the colors are beautiful. It won't last, but we are sure enjoying it while we can!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't Forget Me!

With all the news about the prince lately, I thought I should let you know that the princess is alive and well. This photo is from a couple of years ago--pre-braces. She doesn't have that gap in her teeth anymore, and even the shape of her jaw is different now! There will be princess updates soon. She and I head down the road with some of our BFFs in a couple of weeks for a long weekend of dance, dance, dance workshops! ROAD TRIP!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


TWIRP is the formal dance in high school that the girl invites the boy to. Yesterday I got a call from "the girl's" mom asking if the prince would be home at a certain time and warning that we would be "ding-dong-ditched" (knock and run). The prince went to this dance last year and had a lot of fun. At around 5:00, this is what happened:
Ding Dong
"Prince, the door is for you." (Get my camera ready--I'm so glad I got a heads-up phone call!)

Hmmm...something on the door step.

A fish bowl? With a Beta in it?


The girl's name is Megan. She's a freshman at his school, but they met this summer at the fair. They've been texting ever since. As "small world" would have it, I know her mom through other friends, so I knew she was going to ask him to this dance a few weeks ago. They were having a conversation the other day, and she asked him if he had pets. He said, "No, but if I had a fish, I'd name it Cat." Thus the sign. The back of the bowl says, "TWIRP? TWIRP? TWIRP? With Megan?" He promptly called her to say he'd go! Fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I've got 2 cracked ribs, but I can still play Saturday.

A student just walked into my room. Eighth grade. When they don't bring their PE clothes, the PE teacher sends them to my room to read. I figured that was what was going on when he showed up with a book.

I said "No gym clothes?"

No. I have two cracked ribs so I can't do PE.

How did you do that?

I got hit playing football on Saturday.

Oh, so you're out of football for awhile?

No, I'm still going to play on Saturday.

WHAT?? You can't do PE, but you'll play on Saturday?

He just shrugged.

Toothbrush Diplomacy

Sometimes, when I'm tired, preoccupied, or otherwise distracted, I accidentally use the king's toothbrush. I know. EWWW. Gross. You don't have to tell me. And you certainly don't have to tell him. He really freaks out. Now, in thinking this through I think he overacts a bit. I think the stuff he puts in his mouth is far yuckier than what I do. And we do breath in each others' faces all night so if germs are being transferred it's as likely it will happen that way as with the toothbrush. Still, I get his point. I even make sure the dentist gives me a purple toothbrush each time I go in so that I always have purple and don't have to get confused every 6 months with a toothbrush color change. This weekend he bought himself a new toothbrush. It's about as different from mine as you can possibly get. Maybe that'll work. Maybe not. The next step will be putting out toothbrushes in our own separate drawers instead of in the shared cup. I'm sure that would work, but I know his would never make it into his drawer and would sit on the counter all the time. That's not going to work for me. Wait! I know...separate bathrooms!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Falconator

The prince, doing what he does best, during the school song. The sound isn't great, but you get the idea. He's got mad white-boy moves in the middle!

Homecoming WIN!

Going AMA, we let the prince mascot at homecoming yesterday. The team won 28-0, which I am sure was due, in part, to the awesome mascot! ;)

A last minute, good luck knuckle from his aunt.
A bit of last minute advice from Lakota.

And we're off!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Spirit Week

The Homecoming Game is today. This was spirit week. On Monday the prince wore this year's t-shirt (I'm wearing mine today!). Tuesday was cinema day--he wore his banana costume and said he spent the day explaining that he wasn't the Chaquita Banana...yeah, I still don't get it either. Not sure what was going on Wednesday, but it must not have appealed to him as he didn't dress up. Yesterday was Nerd day--Nerds of the world, UNITE! He sort of pulled it off with the hair slicked over and all. But the red tie and red Converse make him too hip. He came home after school and showered to get the gel out of his hair! Today he'll dress out in Skyview Blue! Go Falcons!

Yes, I know. He didn't really pull off the nerd pose either!