Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hip Hop Day 3

This video is a little longer. It's actually three shorter parts that he taught them and then put all together. You'll see a small group of dancers to begin with, then girls in the back join in. Finally there's a pause as he changes the music while more girls join. If you turn it up, you'll probably recognize the Michael Jackson music. The instructor was chosen to perform as Michael, duplicating the Smooth Criminal dance (and two others) shortly after Michael passed away at the VMA awards, so much of the weekend was spent learning Michael's moves. What was impressive to me is that I remember these dances from the 80's which means that maybe Hip Hop has its roots in Michael Jackson. I don't know that for sure, but I'm thinking it's possible!


Unknown said...


Shelley said...

Makes me want to watch "This Is It" again!