Sunday, December 5, 2010

Polar Plunge

Yesterday about 10 people from our school took the "Polar Plunge"! Brrr....It's a fundraiser for Special Olympics, and there were over 100 plungers yesterday. We cheered them on, and the prince even thinks he might like to get some cheerleaders together next year to do it too, since they do a camp each year for those kids. We will cheer him on!!

Barb and Christy.
I work with them.
They look cute dressed up like lions!

Special divers and firemen cutting out ice to make a spot for the divers.
I read that it was 18* outside,
and the water was in the 20*,
but you wouldn't know it to look at them when they got out!

Cheer section!

More cheerers.
There's always someone not looking at the camera!

Our school group right before going down to the lake.

The plunge!
I'm so proud of them!


Shelley said...


Mary Beth said...

I'm with Shelly on this one, brrr! Great job for fundraising though.