Thursday, January 20, 2011


The princess and a friend decided they would try the vegetarian lifestyle. Yes, this is the same princess who is probably the 2nd biggest meat lover in our family (the king is tops by a mile), but they decided to give it a go.

But here's the kicker. They are only vegetarians during the school week! :) On the weekends they can eat meat. Good thing too, because a dancer needs protein. Hello!!!

During the week she eats peanut butter toast for breakfast and for lunch she gets a piece of pizza and picks the pepperoni off (something she'd probably do anyway since she's not a big fan of pepperoni). Dinner's are a little tougher, since we ALWAYS have meat!! And I did notice that Monday night she was able to overlook the fact that there was hamburger in the veggie soup.

Any bets on how long this will last?


J said...

I think this is pretty cool. And, if you think about it, weekdays only is a rather reasonable approach. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Have an egg Cara---or an egg sandwich. No need for meat if you don't want it.

AZ grammie