Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Volleyball Game

The princess only got to play in two games this season due to dance. These come from the second game. The royal court photographer had other duties that day so this is as good as it gets with my camera...and this is after I cleaned them up. These girls she's playing against are the girls she'll play with if she plays in high school!

Second from the left--everyone's looking at her. Though you can't see the ball, she just knocked it over the net.

She just hit can see the ball this time.

I'll get it.
No, I'll get it.
Here, let's both get it.
She's on the left.

Huddle up.
Until next spring...

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Looks like a good game! Hope they won.

I like that guy & his kid in the last picture. "Devil Eyes".