Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poet Laureate

Yesterday the princess was honored at the state capitol for a poem she wrote in a Stop Youth Violence campaign. Ten student essays were chosen, and these kids were invited to the capitol to be honored and to read their essays.

She did a great job of reading. She did not apprear nervous, and was loud, clear, and slow enough for us to all understand. We are soooooo proud of her!

Grandma made the trip with us. It was a great day!

As a side note: The top essays (in points by the judges) of one boy and one girl were chosen to represent our state in Washington D.C. this summer. The princess' classmate's essay was chosen! We are all so excited for her! Congratulations Kaitlyn!

One more note: I have not yet decided if I will post the princess' poem on the blog. If you would like to read it email me, and I'll send it to you.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

What an honor to be in the top five in the state. Way to go girl!