I'm a Killer
This photo is a little washed out, but don't worry. It's not a red poinsettia--it's a pink one. And it doesn't look nearly this full now. I'm in the process of killing it. I don't mean to, but that's the way it goes with me and poinsettias. Every few years I try to have one around for the holidays, and by Christmas it's usually dead. This year is looking like no exception. I think they are temperamental about the amount of water they get. I am temperamental about the amount of care they require. It's not a good combination. Before I buy another one in a few years will someone out there please remind me that me + healthy poinsettia = sure death for the plant!
I never get them. Already have too much crap around here and my own plants get displaced for the decorations. Anyway, I do remember receiving one about 20 years ago and at the time I killed ANY plant that came my way. The poinsettia, however, thrived and I finally had to throw it out a couple months after Christmas.
I LOVE the pink ones. They did tempt me this year!
Plastic MIGHT work for you...
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