Wednesday, January 25, 2012

For MB

And quit calling me Hilly!


Unknown said...

“I'm sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant?" Skeeter (Now, there's a quote from the book... LOL!)

Mary Beth said...

Some deny their Hilly-ness but still can not escape it!
Go have some chocolate pie, it will make you feel better...

Shelley said...

I LOVE Abi!!!

Wendy said...

"Go have some chocolate pie, it will make you feel better..."

yes, yes it will.

Anonymous said...

Wendy, you'd better read the book. That wasn't ordinary chocolate pie. Mary Beth is MEAN!! SL

Wendy said...

I know, MB let me know that I mispoke. lol Yes, I should definitely read the book.