Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Me--through the ages!

1st grade

4th grade

9th grade

Central Park

College graduation
Can you spot me?
Hint: my glasses sort of match my teacher's.
By the way, that's Mrs. Anderson.
She even taught my dad!


J said...

First: Excellent photos! Second: It's a good sign that you can remember the teacher's name :-) Most importantly: Happy Birthday!! Now I'm gonna get off your blog so everybody can have some fun.

Anonymous said...

I can't take credit. The teacher's name was written on the back of the photo! SL

Mary Beth said...

Love the top photo - those glasses are the BEST!

Shelley said...

Mom was always so great about "fixing" our hair for school pictures. Sleeping in curlers was NOT a good time!

Wendy said...

What a darling little first grader you were! Hope you had a GREAT day and got spoiled rotten. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, J, how's this....

I remember Mrs. Macintyre, 5th grade, she called me "Blanko". It wasn't a compliment. However she was one of my favorite teachers :)

Great pics, sis!


J said...

"Blanko," really?!