Saturday, June 23, 2012

Great Advice

I should probably tell the complete stories behind these words of wisdom someday, but for today, you just get the advice.

My grandparents each impacted my life in various ways, and today I keep thinking of the support they gave me.  I don't know why.  So here is what I was told:

Grandpa Darrell:  "Girls (women) can do anything men can do."  Clearly he was a very wise man.  He told me this often as I was growing up, and he really wanted me to become a lawyer.  Oops.

Papa John:  (Not the pizza guy.)  "Girls are as capable of doing well in math as boys."  He was a math teacher and figured out, long before it was politically correct, that assuming girls couldn't excel in math and science was wrong.  He was also a very wise man.   He also believed that, while boys had no trouble jumping between algebra and geometry, girls usually excelled in one over the other.  I don't know if that's true today, but that was his observation in teaching high school math in the 1940's and 50's.

Grandma Dot:  "Of course you can be Miss America."  She meant it.  She might have been delusional, but how often do you have someone that supportive in your corner?

Grandma Edith:  (Perhaps the best advice of all.)  "That rock 'n roll music is pretty good when you turn it down a little." 

Best. Grandparents. Ever.


J said...

Great words of wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Nice post, sis, loved it.


Mary Beth said...

Great advice. Those are some smart ancestors.