Friday, July 20, 2012

Tuesday at the Pool

Tuesday we rented the covered area at the aquatic center, brought in a little lunch, and had a GREAT time.  Everyone got a little sunburn--even those of us smart enough to use sunscreen, but we had a blast!

 Mariah and Ariana

 The princess, Becky, and Mariah
 Andy, Becky, and Ariana

 Libby and Jajuan
We are going to pretend I cropped Ariana out of this one!

 Jared and Isiah
The Great Arm Wrestling Tournament that Jared barely won!

 Liz and Matt

 Robin and Blake

Mariah, the king, and Grandpa

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

This looks like a fun day - except for the sunburns, of course.