Sunday, November 11, 2012

Best. Parents. Ever.

Last night the BEST PARENTS EVER let the princess have a little get-together to finish out the birthday celebrations.  12 girls and 2 boys came over for food, sledding, s'mores, and Nerf wars.  If the noise level was any indication, they had a great time.  The boys left at 10 pm and then is was time for the sleep-over portion of the night.  Sleep is a relative term.  I put ear plugs in at midnight!  

I fed them breakfast--18 eggs/cheese, 18 waffles, OJ, and milk about 9 AM, and they headed home shortly after that!  

Like I said: Best. Parents. Ever.  Don't even try to compete with us!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I heard rave reviews about the party. It was fun - there was boys, pizza & sledding!