Friday, April 27, 2007

Honor Roll Breakfast

Well, here we are, amid the glare of the school gymnasium, proud parents of a 3-quarter, 6th grade honor student. The 6th grade teachers put on breakfast for the kids and parents. Every one dressed up (first time I've seen the PE teacher in a shirt/tie), they piped in classical music to the gym, and they served up some delicious Costco muffins and fruit. It was nice to see kids recognized for something positive, especially since there have been more than 1/2 dozen bomb threats at local Jr. high and high schools here since the college shootings last week. Oh, and most of those threats were at Heights schools! They have arrested a couple of kids. They are still looking for a couple of more. They will be expelled and face criminal charges!
Okay, now I'm taking a good look at that photo and trying to decide who it the bigger hippie--the queen, or the prince! YIKES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitch!
Congratulations! Keep up the good work at school!! J