Sunday, April 29, 2007

A singing princess

Here is a photo of one beautiful princess, singing like an angel at her Key Kids performance yesterday. They are looking pretty patriotic, aren't they? She had fun yesterday, but she didn't really enjoy this group and won't be signing up in the fall. Sometimes, it's hard to be a princess! She's giving serious consideration to reviving her soccer career this fall. We'll see what she decides. Meanwhile, I'm on a hunt for golf lessons for both her and the prince--and new golf clubs for the prince as well, as the princess will probably fit his old ones!

Another beautiful day in the kingdom, so I'm off to wash the royal chariot. You'd think there'd be a peasant or two around to do that, but alas...


Anonymous said... look 2 cool! I'll keep checking the website for updates on you. J

Anonymous said...

She's following her mom's footsteps there!!Cute picture, Lib