Friday, July 6, 2007

Fish Whisperer Part II

We've spent the last week on a suicide watch for Azul. He seemed to, much like Paris Hilton, have gone on a hunger strike!! He did not like the pellets the princess was feeding him. He didn't eat for days. There was much worry and concern. Finally, the princess could take it no more, and we were forced to head off to the pet store in search of another kind of food. The pet store worker (a nice, middle-aged man as opposed to the scary 20-something at the cash register with his spiked hair, tattoos, and strange piercings) suggested "BLOOD WORMS" as that's what they fed the fish while it was in the store. YUM! We bought those, took them home, and glory, hallelujah, praise the Lord, and pass the blood worms--Azul is eating like a champ--or at least like a betta! We have now taken him off suicide watch and are much less worried about his current condition. We are a little worried about who might take care of him when we leave in a couple of weeks as most of our usual babysitters will also be gone for part of the time that we're gone!!! Such are the problems of pet owners.

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