Friday, July 27, 2007

UT Fun

The queen, prince, and princess are safely in Utah for the remainder of the week. I say, "safely" because it is a long drive! Since arriving in UT, we've had lots of fun at a Pioneer Days celebration--the princess even got to ride on a parade float and squirt a water gun at those of us who were sweatin' on the street! There was an awesome fireworks display to cap off the night. The kids have taken in a movie while the royal aunt and I shopped, and we had fun fishing and cooking hot dogs and making smores over an open fire last night. We plan to take in the new Harry Potter movie today. The fun never ends; I'm tellin' ya! Oh yeah, and the prince has been working with his royal uncle a bit as well--he's got his eye on a Nintendo DS. We'll be here a few more days before we head to the American Idol concert and then to AZ. We're looking forward to more fun in the sun down there. Then it's back home to move, move, move. Actually, the King will have most of that done before I ever make it back, and the kids are following a few days later with the royal aunt, who's coming to help hang drapes!!! Life is good!

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