Friday, August 17, 2007

A New Castle

We've moved. Thanks to the royal sister for coming many miles to our rescue and getting our house in a presentable condition. There is still some unpacking to do, and we're waiting for new furniture to come in a month or more for our living room, but mostly, we are sooo excited. The king likes the master bedroom best and says it feels like a hotel room. Guess that's because the queen doubles as the maid right now. She's not feeling the whole "hotel" thing so much! The kids have made the transition nicely--so far. They will continue at the school they went to before, so the whole "new school" anxiety is not there. I'm back to work for a bit today and then start "for real" next week in the mornings. The kids come back August 29. We had a great time in Utah and Arizona--didn't even melt in AZ, but we did spend lots of time in the pool and even had a fun morning on the jet skis! Come check out our new castle. We'd love to see you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Post more pics when you can, Congratulations guys!