Friday, July 31, 2009

Another one!

The princess pulled ANOTHER loose tooth yesterday. Good thing cuz the dentist was threatening to pull this one if she didn't get it out! She doesn't have too many molars left though. She might have to live on a diet of soup and pudding until some of them grow in!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

That's Why You're in Summer School--Part 2

Yesterday I was doing a computer math program with a student. He tends to be "off task" a lot and a "happy clicker" with the computer mouse, so I brought some M & M's with me, and every time he got an answer right, he got an M & M. (I know, brilliant.) He was doing very well, getting lots of M & M's and this seemed to be a great motivator for him. There was a teacher in the room with us, and I said to her, "It's like Pavlov!" The student said, "No, it's chocolate."
That's why you're in summer school!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Need A Hero!

If ever we needed rescuing, it's probably right now...crazy economy, weird world events, not to mention the loss of Michael. So boy was I relieved to look out my back window a few minutes ago and see not one, not, two, but THREE Spidermen, saving the world from destruction and "bad guys". You all might not be as safe as I am, because I'm betting you don't have 3 Spidermen next door. And lucky me, the blond one lives there full time! Try not to be jealous of my Spidy powers!

"Quickly, we must go save the world from destruction!"

"Get out of here girl."

Blond Spidy says, "I have to do everything around here
while you guys are just swingin' around!
But never fear, I'm up to the task!"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Books, Books, and MORE Books!

If you're reading this blog, then you probably know me well enough to know that I LOVE to read. Nothing made me happier, as a kid, than when the book order came in. And I thank my parents for always letting me order books. I returned the favor by always letting my kids order a book when the book order came home, and they too are readers!
I like to spend time in the summer reading. I read during the winter too, but I have more time in the summer. I belong to not one, but TWO book clubs, and it's a good month (during the winter) when I have time to read something besides the two book club books I am forever reading.
Add to that the book swap table at work, where you can pick up books and leave books that you're done with--like a library only no overdue fines, the real library where I can now put books on hold over the internet and not even have to go in until the call to tell me they are holding my book for me, and I hardly EVER have to buy a book from anymore.
I do not usually give in to chain letters, but at the beginning of the summer I was sent one where all I had to do was mail off one used book and then I would receive 36 books in return. I never expected to get all 36 and would have been happy with one, but so far, I've reaped 7 books from that silly chain letter.
Suffice it to say, I have plenty to read...and I've been reading all summer. What follows are just a few of my silly book photos! Anyone want to borrow one of my books?

These are the first 3 books I received from the chain letter.

When organizing my night stand I found I have THREE of the same book. I probably only need to read it once! It must be good if I keep picking it up--once off the free table, once from a friend about to give away a box of books, and one from the chain letter.

This is how many books were on my night stand on Saturday. Of course, since that time, I've traded one out for another book club book and I've received 4 more from the chain letter! Life is good in my world. I am currently reading THE UNSEEN by TL Hines. He's a local author, and the prince went to preschool with his daughter many years ago. At the time he ran an ad agency but has since sold the business and writes full time.

Don't Forget

Don't's FREE Mocha Monday at McDonald's!! I love those! I think there are about 6 McDonald's here. I could drink all day long at that rate!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


The prince is back from camp with happy memories and good times, not to mention the fun of lots of good pranks. That's what middle school camp is all about.
I'm posting some photos the princess took when she was at camp. They go to the same place. It's up in the moutains and a really nice camp. Thanks to one and all for the camp letters. The kids really appreciate them.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Remember Me?

Remember me? Poor, spindly geranium longing to go outside?

Well, check me out now! I look GOOD when I get to be outside!
Happy Summer!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Grandma's birthday was yesterday,
but we celebrated tonight with ice cream cake.
Thanks to Kathi for taking care of it all.
And what birthday is complete without Elvis?
He even sings "Happy Birthday"!
Now that's a cool balloon!

This is why you're in summer school!

Kids have to attend summer school for various reasons...some missed a lot of school, some are behind in certain areas, some need the extra boost to help them not be so far behind when school starts, some just always struggle and this is added help for them.
Yesterday we hit the 1/2 way point in summer school, and someone brought in Popsicles for our middle school students so we quit 10 minutes early and headed outside to eat Popsicles with the kids (it was 100* yesterday, after all!). At some point I said to the kids, "We've been coming for 2 weeks, and we're half way done!"
One of the 7th grade boys looked at me and said, "Wow, I didn't know summer school was for 6 weeks."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

You lost ANOTHER one???

The princess lost a tooth a couple of days ago. Today she lost ANOTHER one! And it's only one tooth away from the one she just lost. She would really look redneck if they were in the front of her mouth! As it is, I don't think she'll be doing a lot of chewing on that side for awhile, and it is the chewing side she favors! On a side-note, I'm thinking both the princess and the prince are probably about done losing teeth. That's gotta mean the tooth fairy will soon be closing up shop at our house. That makes me a little sad. But only a little. Because the way I have it figured, the tooth fairy is replaced with car insurance on a teen driver. That doesn't make me sad. That SCARES me!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How To Be Gracious

Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement -- not even her parent's nasty divorce. Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever! A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new young wife had bought the exact same dress as her mother! Jennifer asked her father's new young wife to exchange it, but she refused. "Absolutely not, I look like a million bucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it," she replied. Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, "Never mind sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day." A few days later, they went shopping and did find another gorgeous dress. When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, "Aren't you going to return the other dress? You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it." Her mother just smiled and replied, "Of course I do, dear. I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mocha Monday

For those of you who haven't already heard, through the first week of August, McDonald's is giving away FREE iced mochas on Mondays from 7am-7pm!! One per person/order, which means the drive thru counts as ONE order so you can only get one through the drive thru. You can each get one if you go inside and order separately. They are suppose to be 7 ounces, but they must have been out of that size because the princess and I got the 16 ounce size. No additional purchase necessary (and yes, you can get it hot instead of iced). Now that's a GOOD deal! And yummy!

He's off!

The prince is off on another camp this time. Has this kid put enough miles on this summer? Hope he has a great time.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Fair

The Princess danced at Summer Fair today. Only 2 of the 5 in her group were there today, but they did a great job anyway. It was fun...and the mid 90*s. More of the same tomorrow when she dances again! This is the good stuff, people. Make no mistake!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Are You Smarter Than a Middle School Student?

Apparently, I am not!

I am working in the middle school. Brand new building. Really sweet. I used the bathroom on Tuesday. Got locked in the stall. Finally unhooked it. PHEW!!! So what did I do Wednesday? Went into the SAME stall and got locked in again. I'm pretty sure it would only take a 7th grader once of getting locked in to not go in again. Not me. But I was much smarter on Thursday and used a different stall. We'll see if I can remember that by Monday!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


We took in a Mustangs game last night. It was a good game, and the Mustangs pulled out a win in overtime!!! Phew! We're going back tonight and hope to see another win. Gotta love those boys of summer!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer's Over?

I went back to work this week...summer school. This year I'm working with middle school students. That's a new experience for me, and while I like how easy it is to joke with them, they are very intense. So this Maxine cartoon sort of summed up my week thus far!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk!

Among the boys' big plans while in Arizona, they thought they'd see if you can really fry an egg on the sidewalk. Grandma informed them that the hottest time of the day was from 4pm-6pm in AZ so last night they gave it a go.

They did a little prep work: took the egg out to get it at room temp, put some tin foil out to heat up, made a reflector, and away they went.

Let's crack this baby!

Not working so well.
Maybe what we need is more paraphernalia.

Nope, this is as done as it got.
Anyone for a little egg over easy?

Friday, July 10, 2009


Last year it was the prince's desire to spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa's in Arizona without us. This year, his dream came true. He's been there since Monday with his friend, Daniel. They will start the long trip home today...because Grandpa and Grandma know how to travel in style...and will get home Sunday. Among the fun they've had: lots of swimming, shopping, a trip to Oatman, capturing a lizard that made it into the house, and the great "fry an egg on the sidewalk" event! I hope it was all he dreamed it would be and more. I know he was already planning next year's trip before he left for this one. I hope Grandma and Grandpa are up for that!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vegas Baby!

We made a "quick" trip to Vegas. Left Sunday night. Got in late. Monday we took the kids to do the rides at Stratosphere and NYNY. We had lunch at ESPN Sports Zone. My mom and brother came to pick up the boys and take them to Arizona for the week that afternoon. We took the girls to dinner and then to see The Lion King at Mandalay Bay. It was a great show but no photos allowed! We shopped Tuesday and then headed home Tuesday night. Good times with great friends!

Mary Beth and I duking it out at ESPN!

After the rides--the princess sat these out due to her tendency toward motion sicknesses!

That's the prince in the front car--
hanging out, over the strip in Vegas!
What kind of mother lets her kid ride that ride?????

All the knuckleheads, before the rides!

The prince and princess at the Luxor Hotel.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

The 4th of July was very relaxing at our house. In the evening we went over to Kathi and Rick's for carrot cake and dominoes before watching fireworks from their back deck. It was great fun, and the prince was the big dominoes winner this time!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

This is the princess hamming it up for the camera the other night at a 4th of July celebration, but I really think it was her trying to contain her excitement about going to Las Vegas tonight. She leaves with her brother and me. We'll take in some scary rides at the Stratosphere tomorrow morning, and then her brother is headed off to Grandma's for a week. She and I will take in the stage production of The Lion King with our good friends, the O'Loughlins. Good, old fashioned, GIRL TIME! I can't wait either! We come home on Tuesday, though, so it is a quick trip. What were we thinking? We should have stayed longer!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence:
Five were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes burned to the ground. Two lost sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, and two more had sons captured. Nine fought and died in the Revolutionary War.

Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists, eleven were merchants, and nine were farmers and large plantation owners. They were well educated, smart enough to know that by signing the Declaration of Independence, they were signing their own death warrants. They did it anyway, and God bless them for it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Are You Stupid???

We have new neighbors down the street. The other day they asked the people they live next door to if they thought it would be okay to light off fireworks in that field behind the house. You know, that field full of dry grass!

So my neighbor answered as follows:

2. We're in the city limits; it's against the law.
3. There was a huge fire in that field 3 years ago that almost took out our neighborhood.
4. Hell NO!

I'll keep you posted on the "Stupid Watch"!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Moth Madness

This year the moths seem to be particularly pesky. Some years are bad. Some not so much. This year, I'd give it a 7 on a scale of 1-10. However, I'd probably only give it a 5 or 6 if it wasn't for the princess. For whatever reason, she is very--dare I say it--scared of moths!!! This is the same girl who can get up on a stage in front of a gazillion people and sing, dance, or act her little heart out, but put one moth in her bedroom at bedtime, and ain't pretty. So now the new bedtime ritual is for her father to take the fly swatter down to her room and kill all offending moths before she goes to bed. Then he must quickly shut the door and turn all the lights off, lest they be attracted back into her room! Yikes. But that's not the worst of it. If, heaven forbid, she should have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, then she'll come get ME up (because her dad won't humor her at this point) to check again for moths, kill any that found their way into her room, and quickly turn off the light and shut the door.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Water Fun

Yesterday was the perfect day to spend at the water park! Each kid took a friend, the prince ran into more friends from school, and I didn't see any of the kids all day--except when they were hungry. I sat in the sun and read, read, read! It was great! On the down side, I did forget to take my camera, so no pictures to attach! That wasn't the worst thing I forgot though. I forgot my MONEY too! Had to make a pit-stop at the bank on the way!