Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Eats!

Two things:

Broccoli: The kids and I love it. The king does not, but to his credit, when the kids were younger he would pretend to like it and was "just not hungry for it" on the nights I served it. He's a good daddy. Last night I made omelettes and offered the kids these choices in theirs: broccoli, mushrooms, ham, cheese. BOTH kids chose broccoli, ham, and cheese. Gotta love a kid who will put a veggie in an omelette!

Mushrooms: I like mushrooms...a lot. More than anyone else in my family. But I do not understand why companies try to can mushrooms. They are a totally different substance when they are canned, with weird color and taste. Really, why bother? Oh wait, I know. Because dummies like me will sometimes buy a can of them! Dumb--me, not them.


Shelley said...

I LOVE both broccoli AND mushrooms. As a kid I hated fresh mushrooms and loved the canned, but now I tolerate the canned, but love the fresh. I only use the canned in an occassional casserole! My kids hate mushrooms though.........

J said...

I love broccoli too!! And I have learned to enjoy mushrooms now that I'm a grown-up. Go veggies!
PS Shelley, have fun in MT!!

Mary Beth said...

I'll put up with broccoli but love the 'shroom, with or without eggs to accompany them.
Shelley - I hope Dos is on the agenda for your trip.
J - how come you're not coming to competition this year?

Shelley said...

Yeh, J! Join us....the more the merrier!!!
MB--I think Dos will be my ONE splurge while there! YUMMY!!!

J said...

Well, I am moving into a new rental....and I just don't feel like going to Dos. Kidding about that Dos thing, don't ban me from MT!! have a great time girls!!