Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Paul in Germany

You may have noticed that I added a couple of new blogs to my sidebar. I work with a woman whose son's name is Paul. He is a junior in college and has been subbing at our school for the last few weeks. He left today on a trip to Germany where he will study for 5 months. He has a blog about his travels that I have added. In addition, he is corresponding with some of the younger students at our school while he's gone and has a blog designed for them (one group will be using clues on his blog to figure out where he will next be traveling). I have also added the link to that blog. Feel free to follow along on Paul's journey with us! He's a great kid, and I know his mom is at home today, trying to pull herself together. It's one thing to send your kid off to a university 300 miles away. It's another thing to send them half way around the world! Good Luck, Paul!

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