Saturday, July 23, 2011


In case you haven't heard, Borders Book Stores are closing all their stores. A chapter 11 didn't work, and they are going out of business. Since I have a gift card for there, I headed out yesterday. I might now know why they are going out of business:

Me: Do you have the book _______ by _______?

Borders Dude (BD): I don't know (throws up his hands), and I have no way of checking!

Me: (Looking dumbfounded) It's a fiction book. Any ideas?

BD: Well more than half our store is fiction. It could be anywhere. We have... And here he starts to list the various types of fiction.

Me: (Walking away) OK. I'll just look myself.

We did not find the book, in any of the fiction sections. We later heard that their computer system was down. Why didn't he preface his first sentence with that? Then I wouldn't have thought he was such a moron.

I do feel for the many employees who were working there yesterday, as it's gotta suck to go to work knowing you will soon be out of a job. Everything is currently 10-40% off (primarily 10%), and I did prove myself to be every bit as dumb as BD when I went to pull out my gift card and realized it was at home. Guess I'll have to go back. Grrr...


Mary Beth said...

Oh boy - another trip to see that genius! You need a margarita first.

Shelley said...

NOT a good time!!!

J said...

Still laughing....