Friday, July 8, 2011

No need to go to Mexico.

I do not have a refined pallet. I rarely can discern flavors in food other than to know if it's good or bad. But I can taste the difference in my baked goods (on those rare occasions when I bake) if I use real vanilla. I am also cheap so have spent most of my baking days (again, on those rare occasions when I bake) using imitation vanilla.

Fortunately for those who have to eat my baking, I went to Mexico a few years ago and bought real vanilla for not too many dollars. Yummo! Since then, when running low on real vanilla, I request that someone bring it to me when others go to Mexico. It's worked out pretty well, although I do forbid the children to use the "good stuff" when making smoothies. There's always the cheap stuff for that.

Finally, I get to the point...the other day I was in Costco and noticed a BIG (not sure of the ounces but probably 10 or more) bottle of REAL vanilla for under $7!!!! That's it. No need to go to Mexico anymore. I'm stocking up at Costco!

By the way, the nice lady in Mexico who sold us our vanilla in a plastic bottle told us to transfer it to a glass bottle when we got home (not that I ever did that, since that would constitute me caring about cooking) as it will last longer. Who knew?

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