Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Don't be JEALOUS!!!

Try not to be jealous. It's a beautiful, sunny, NO WIND, 78* right now!! These are the days we only get a few of every year! It's GREAT to be us!!


Anonymous said...

Now that's some nice weather!

Anonymous said...

I can't be jealous cuz it is supposed to be 89* here Saturday. In the 80's all this week. Perfect weather for us too!!! (Although the roofers aren't crazy about the heat, they are glad not to have it be raining.)

Anonymous said...

Beats the ehck out of your wind! Tonight (5-10) it's raining though! Sharmi

Anonymous said...

Shelley, Maybe that nice weather will hold for the big weekend! Sharmi

Anonymous said...

Watched the weather last night. Supposed to be nothing but sunshine through the end of May. Don't know how accurate that will end up being, but we'll take it. Our temps are 15-20* above average and expected to stay that way for the month too. Life is good--except that this means the irrigation has begun and so has our concern that they'll flood us again!!!