Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

When I was a child we would make little baskets, fill them with treats, put them on the doorstep of neighbors, ring the door bell, and then run off. I'm sure people did that for us as well. Why don't we do that anymore? We "Boo" at Halloween, which is basically the same thing, but why don't we do May Day baskets? I also remember decorating a May Day pole at school a couple of times. How old am I??? We should bring those traditions back.

Today, in celebration of May Day, I slept in, am doing laundry, and will later attend book club. But I wouldn't mind if someone left some treats on my doorstep. I also wouldn't mind if it were sunny and warm. Right now we've got a rain/snow mix with an occasional blue sky peeking out. Weird.

Wondering where May Day came from? According to "Historians generally agree that May Day celebrations probably originated in the spring fertility rites of ancient Rome, which occurred at about the same time of year marking celebrations honoring the goddess of spring, Flora." I also read that it was later part of a socialist movement to get an 8-hour work day. So now you know.


Shelley said...

I, too, remember May Day baskets and doing the pole. One of the little towns here still does an annual May Day celebration, complete with the pole.

Also, like you, it is very cold, rain/snow sunny. I am OVER the cold wet weather!!!

Anonymous said...

I sure wish you two would make peace with mother nature before we make the trip to Mt and UT. :)

Unknown said...

I remember coming home from a May Day celebration at school, including decorating the May pole. I asked my mom why we didn't have a May pole. She replied, "We do!" What?!!? I was seven or eight and I'd never been included in our family May pole dance?!!? How could that be? "Where is it?", I demanded. "Out front."
Out the door I went and despite a frantic search of the yard, I could not find a May pole. Marching back in, I begged to be shown our family May pole. My mama kindly took me by the hand and took me to the front steps, where she rather matter-of-factly pointed at our... maple (tree).
You can imagine my extreme dissappointment.
(I'll tell you about my "northern lights" let down some other day...)