Wednesday, May 4, 2011


A friend told this story the other day of her young son. I told her if she didn't put it on her blog, I was going to put it on mine. She hasn't yet, so...

George was being interviewed at church for a church video and was asked, "How to you get to go to heaven?"

George thought for a moment and then said, "Well, first you have to read the Bible, (here he paused) and then you have to die."

I love that he's even got it in the right order.

Go George!

He was also asked who he'd take with him if he went, and he named his baby brother. Ah, so sweet. Then he added that he wouldn't take his older brother and sister because they are mean!

Love that kid.


Mary Beth said...

Oh George... you're hilarious!

Unknown said...

She also asked why he accepted Jesus and he answered, "Two reasons. One, I need to be making better decisions and I think God can help me with that. Two, I think being baptized sounds like fun!"

Only George (barely seven) would recognize his poor decision making skills!