Friday, August 12, 2011


In a short, 20 minute drive to ballet camp this morning, the princess and I saw 3 odd sights:

1. A man of middle eastern decent, walking by a park, in long white clothing and wearing a white turban. Cool, I guess. We're diversifying. Maybe not so odd.

2. A woman at a bus stop bench, rocking an 80's BIG hair style, dressed in business attire, a brief case by her side, and a GAS CAN? Odd.

3. A man wearing ONLY a green speedo and moonboots (at a distance they looked like stilettos), handing out pieces of paper at a busy corner. Definitely oddest of them all. Turns out he was with a local radio station and was just BARELY legal enough to not get an indecent exposure ticket.

What a way to start out our morning. I can hardly wait to see what I see when I go to pick her up this afternoon!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

You are soooo lucky!