Monday, August 8, 2011

Ode To The Birthday Girl

We have been friends since our children were little

I hope we're still friends when on our chins we do dribble

We are not close in age, though I do look much younger

We get along well in part because Dos Machos we both hunger

Many trips to Vegas we must still make together

Jesus and lice will only make it better

Enjoy this day made especially for you

Hammer time and gold lame pants are certainly your due

Happy Birthday my friend!


J said...

MB! Happy Birthday!! You are SO lucky to have a friend who can write a spontaneous poem as good as this one :-)

Mary Beth said...

I LOVE IT! You're the best BFF EVER! You rock Sistah - thanks so much for the Ode.

Shelley said...

Happy, happy birthday to you MB!!!