Friday, June 5, 2009

Awards for the Princess

The princess made a haul in the awards department: Top 4 in math points, 100% on the States/Capitals in Social Studies, but most importantly, the Presidential award for academic excellence--signed by President Obama. She's awesome!

She also had her dance awards last night and scored a 2nd year dance pin and a leadership ribbon.

I must also brag that Mary Beth and I were awarded "Dance Mom" pins because we...what was it??? Help out sometimes?? Or was it get in the way most of the time?? I'm not really sure as I wasn't there to accept my award. The princess accepted on my behalf. Too bad school's out for the year. I would have loved to show that off! Something to look forward to, I guess!

Getting her math award from the math teacher.
It came with a Sudoku book
AND a Twix candy bar that she wasn't sharing!

Getting the Social Studies award.

Not being nearly reverent enough about her President's award,
but look at the principal, just egging her on!
They are both naughty!

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