Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A New Sunscreen

The prince got a royal frying at the track meet last week, blisters on his shoulders and everything. Lack of sunscreen and lack of parental fortitude are to blame.

Not to be outdone, my nephew spent most of one day last week in the swimming pool after competing in a biatholon his school puts on. (He's 13. They run a couple of miles, swim some laps, then get to spend the day in the pool.) He fried his face, back, chest, arms... No sunscreen.

But there was one place that didn't burn.

The part of his arm where they wrote his race number in permanent marker didn't burn. In fact, it took days for the marker to wear off, and when it did, his skin was white underneath, so he's still wearing those numbers--at least until he evens out his tan!

I'm now trying to weigh the cost benefits vs. the being painted black aspects before deciding what to do next time my kids are out in the sun for an extended period of time. I'm leaning toward just demanding they use sunscreen. After all, I am still the parent! Aren't I?

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