Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cool Butte Facts

For any of you who have been to Butte or through Butte, you can relate to a lot of this, and it is pretty much factual.

Butte, Montana- Home of the world's largest body of contaminated water;
the world's largest superfund site;
A 90 foot lighted statue of the Virgin Mary atop the Continental Divide;
A brothel that closed in 1991;
It's Pasty not pastry;
How's she go?" is proper English;
Learned how to make beer in sophomore Montana history class;
St. Patrick's Day is the biggest holiday of the year;
The bouncers at the bars are high school teachers;
When the M&M closed we all cried;
Driving is better in the winter because potholes are filled with snow;
a high of -10 is a little chilly;
Our sheriff failed his firearm test;
Stop signs optional;
Even our principles belong to a union;
The high schoolers hang out at a bar at lunch;
The highest concentration of radon in the valley happens to be the same place as the high school;
Hell Roarin' Gulch is THE elementary school fieldtrip;
The Columbia Gardens hold childhood memories, even if you were born after 1979;
You could see the Travona, Mountain Con and Anselmo head frames from your math class;

You clarify that Judy Martz is from Rocker;
Every July we spend a week celebrating hometown daredevil Evil Kneivel who robbed convenience stores when growing up in Butte);
Every state politician running for election is in our Fourth of July parade;
No open container law;
We're the most economically depressed city in the state ranked 50th in the nation economically yet we raise $150,000 in a week to save Our fireworks display on Big Butte;

Tap 'er Light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good 1 sis!