Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mexican Fiesta!

Today the princess danced at our city's Mexican Fiesta to celebrate the Mexican culture here. Though we've never been to it, we always wanted to, and since she was dancing, it seemed like the perfect time.
Her dancing was awesome, as usual. She did a dance she doesn't usually do, and it was no problem for her. She had to borrow a costume for it, and it was a LITTLE short, but it all worked out!
When we got married we lived next to the Gomez family and hoped to run into Mr. Gomez at the park today. As luck would have it, we did, and got to catch up on all the family news. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez had very young grandchildren when we lived by them. Though Mrs. Gomez passed away, Mr. Gomez is now a great grandpa. You wouldn't know it to look at him!
It was certainly HOT today, 95* as she was dancing. The fiesta featured great food, music, ethnic dancing (with a little "cool kid" thrown in), and a car show. We'll definitely go back next year and sample the FOOD! It was a "muy caliente" time!

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