Friday, July 30, 2010

No Defog Button

The prince went with his friend, Tucker, to the baseball game the other night. It began to rain (flooded downtown actually) so they ran to Tucker's truck for safety. As they were sitting there the windows fogged up. Tucker turned on the defrost button, but all that did was fog the windows up more. So they searched and searched for the "defog" button. Alas, Tucker's old truck doesn't have one. I was a gigglin' fool as he told me this story. I then informed him of the workings of the defrost button. "Oh, I'd better call Tucker and tell him he does have a defog button."

Now that you've had your laugh for the day...and yes, they are both blond.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the giggle.