Monday, July 5, 2010


In the beginning we often left town on the 4th of July because the prince would get really stressed out about the possibility of all those fireworks causing a fire. It was just so much easier to not be in our neighborhood for that week of constant noise, light, fire, and did I mention NOISE!

But that only lasted a couple of years and by the time he was 7 or so he was ready to join the other neighborhood boys in the fun rite of passage...non-stop firecrackers for a week or so. And we learned over the years that really, the bigger the boy (ie: his father), the bigger the noise. Many a year there were sparkler bomb marks in our back yard from that less-than-legal activity.

Three years ago we moved into the city limits where fireworks are not permitted. With the large field behind us, we're happy to obey that law. And besides, we've always had the Four O's to fall back on. But they are moving into the city later this month. Looks like we're back to traveling next year on the 4th! But in the meantime, we had one last 4th of July BLOWOUT at their house last night. A great time was had by all. We really, really appreciate their hospitality.

And to commemorate our many years of fun with the Four O's, here's a small stroll down memory lane.



She's grown out the the "lighting" phase,
but still enjoys the show...
and the food...
and the soda!


This was taken earlier in the day.
I don't seem to have any of him at the
Four O's, but believe me, he was there,
in all his glory.

May you all be so blessed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not only has he come to see the light, but he is passing on the love of fire to the next generation. Cael's still talking about how the big boys helped him light the fires!