Saturday, June 11, 2011

Road Trip Day 6

Today we hit the outlet mall, which was a bit of a disappointment to the girls. It's not a huge it used to be. There were only about 5 stores and only 2 we went in. Shelley and I bought pants, but the girls didn't find anything they couldn't live without. We had a healthy salad lunch then rested awhile...lettuce takes it out of you. We then tried to take the girls mini golfing, but you had to buy the pizza buffet to enjoy mini golf. WHAT??? We landed at the Living Aquarium, a small but well-priced aquarium. I didn't take my camera so had to use my phone. The better photo came off Shelley's phone. Panda Express for dinner. It was a good day!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to come home after all that fun. Thanks a heap for taking her out to see the world!