Friday, June 3, 2011

Spring Concert

Back in the early spring the prince and young Daniel were invited to come back to Middle School and play in the May concert. They learned a couple of Journey songs, came to school on a couple of high school days off to practice with the choir, and that was really all they needed. The Middle School Rock Band was back in action!

While another choir sang, they waited. Notice they are too cool to sit in the bleachers with everyone else. This must be the equivolent of "back stage" at a rock concert.

I do give them props--they look really nice and did sort of try to stick with the regular choir colors. They could have worn their grungiest rock t-shirts if they'd wanted to.

Jammin! Best of all, there's a CHICK on drums! The dude on the right is an eighth grader, and he really tried to be as cool as our high school boys, but he couldn't quite pull it off. Maybe next year Edwin. Maybe next year.

Final song. They had trouble hearing themselves in the first song so they had to move in a little closer to the amps for the final number.

They did great. I don't know if they'll get this opportunity again. The current music teacher is moving on, and there will be someone new in there next year. Rock On little Middle School Rock Band!


J said...

"Backstage" cool is that! Way to go boys!

Mary Beth said...

They did great! Too bad Mr. S is moving on. They could have had an encore next year.