Monday, June 20, 2011

What are the odds?

I should really take the prince to Vegas. I don't know what kind of luck he'd have there, but if today is any indication, he'll win by a long shot! He took his long board out today--with the same friend he rode with when he broke his arm last fall--and guess what? Yep. Broke the same arm again today!!! Bent the plate and broke the bone (one bone instead of two this time). He's in much less pain, but of course this happened when orthopedics was closed so we got to go to the ER. They set it, but we have to get into ortho tomorrow to determine what will need to be done. There will be surgery; just not sure when or how much. He's resting comfortably tonight with only Tylenol. Oh yes, and he's selling his long board. Anyone interested? Oh, and yes, he was wearing his helmet.


Shelley said...

Holy smoke! Enough already. Glad he's "okay" and super glad he's selling his longboard!
Good luck with everything.

Wendy said...

Oh Sharmi, ouch! Poor guy and summer just got started. :(

Mary Beth said...

Oh man! That's horrible. Glad he is selling but don't tell Daniel.